(VIDEO) The One GLARING Screw-Up that Most of Us Missed

Too fat to even holster her handgun?

By now, the video of the failed assassination attempt has been so saturated on the news and social media that it almost seems like it’s months old, not just barely 24-hours ago.

Other than the still unanswered questions of why did law enforcement ignore an eye-witness who was screaming about a shooter on the roof; and the obvious question as to how in the hell did a shooter get within 152-yards of a US President, here’s another question that’s been nagging me like an itch I can’t quite reach.

I timed it… but here’s my question, “Why did it take the Secret Service a full two minutes and three seconds to move a shot president into an SUV roughly 15-yards away?

Yep, 2:03 from impact to shutting of the vehicle door.

I realize that Trump’s a big boy, something like 6’3” and easily within the 250 range, but… so?

I also realize that he was uncooperative and worried about his shoes, but… so?

You guys had one f*****g job. Just get the president off a very short stage, then into an armored SUV roughly 50 feet away.

That should have taken no more than 10-15 seconds, not two minutes and change.

Maybe because 2-out-of-6 of the Secret Service agents to respond to man down were DEI hires and members of the Pony-Tail Brigade?