(VIDEO) Breaking: Trump Shooter had Three Overseas Encrypted Accounts

But what KIND of accounts?

In an interview on Fox News with Jesse Watters (seen below) Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) dropped quite an interesting info nugget.

Waltz revealed that he was told by an unnamed FBI agent(s) that Trump’s would-be assassin had “Three encrypted overseas accounts”. That’s a direct quote from Rep. Waltz.

In all fairness, I want to know WHAT KIND of encrypted overseas accounts?

Again, in all fairness, these accounts could be anything from bank accounts to chat accounts for non-existent Ukrainian hotties to on-line gamer accounts.

But if (and that’s a pretty big if), what if these are bank accounts? According to NPR.com, the shooter was employed at a nursing home as a… wait for it… dietary aide.

Hey, NPR. Don’t try to church it up. You mean he scooped out food, and was a dishwasher, right?

If it turns out that if even one of these accounts was tied to money, why in the hell would a glorified scullery maid from western Pennsylvania need an encrypted overseas bank account?

That’s a legitimate question the American people have the right to ask. But just like the Nashville “transgendered” shooter’s manifesto, we’ll never get the real truth.