It’s true…
Perhaps proving that liberalism makes you ugly, it’s a safe bet that liberalism also makes once-attractive girls stupid. And desperate. And pathetic.

Case in point: As Maddow was speaking of JD Vance’s venture capital firm, she noted that the same firm is named after something straight out of JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings saga.
Narya, some nerdlinger “ring of fire” is responsible for Rudy Ruettiger having to walk an extra mile-and-a-half in a movie trilogy that was essentially about walking.
Nonetheless, Maddow reported breathlessly on a newscast that mandates the views to have Stage-III TDS;
“He called it Narya. N-A-R-Y-A, which you can remember ’cause it’s “Aryan”, but you move the end of the front…”
Perhaps the best clapback comes from Spencer Klavan of the Washington Examiner;
It’s all just one felt board push-pin away from Vance’s friend and backer Peter Thiel, whose software company Palantir is also named after an object from the Tolkien legendarium! Which, if you rearrange its letters, spells … air plant? Chilling.