(VIDEO) REPORT: Biden WILL Drop From Race, Will NOT Endorse Kamela

Ouch. That’s gonna leave a mark.

Word on the street that not only is Joe Biden ready to drop out of the presidential race, he’s also reportedly not going to endorse his current VEEP.

I give it about a 30-second head start for the screeching crones at MSNBC, CNN and The View to call out Biden for being a racial bigot and a misogynist for now throwing his support to Harris.

Perhaps even more interesting, the same Jackass Party who screams about MAGA being a “threat to democracy”… those same party bosses don’t want Kamala Harris either.

What they want is to take control of the Democrat National Convention to handpick their own choices for the presidential ticket. But that’s just me.

As seen in the video below, NewsMax.com political analyst stated during an interview on the Carl Higbie Show;;

MARK HALPERIN, NEWSMAX CORRESPONDENT: Carl, according to multiple Democratic sources, this is happening all of a sudden. Everyone said it would happen gradually and then all at once, and that’s what’s happening. According to my sources, President Biden has agreed to step down as a Democratic nominee.

It will happen as early as this weekend. A speech has been drafted for him. He will continue on as president, is his intention. He also will not, I’m told, endorse Vice President Harris as his successor.

So much for all that “Guardians of Democracy” bullshit, huh?

I also wonder what will happen to all those MILLIONS of dollars donated specifically to the Biden-Harris campaign?