Ruh-Row; RFK, Jr in Talks With Trump, Possible Cabinet Slot in Trump Administration

A Kennedy in a Trump Administration?

First things first – I’m no fan of Bobby Kennedy, Jr.  I’m of the opinion that Kennedy has shown his full-blown hard-Left stances on more than one occasion.

Maybe it’s because I’ve (so-far) survived two aggressive cancers; seven hearts attacks; PVT (Portal Vein Thrombosis), which caused gangrene to a section of my intestines.

I have to find a bright spot in everything. And when it comes to RFK, Jr., that bright spot is his hard-core vax-skepticism

As reported by the Washington Examiner via, a leaked video shows a phone conversation between the presidential contenders. Trump dropped some pretty heavy hints that there could be a spot for Kennedy in a Cabinet-level position (video, below).

Furthermore, Kennedy had some quite nice things to say about Donald Trump. As far as the heavies in the Democrat Party, not so much;

“I have a lot of respect for President Trump for reaching out to me. Nobody from the DNC, high or low, has ever reached out to me in 18 months. Instead, they have allocated millions to try to disrupt my campaign.”

Hmmm… yeah, I could see Kennedy as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Especially with Kennedy knowing damn good and well the ties between the Deep State and Big Pharma.

Knowing full well that if there were a deal struck between Trump and Kennedy, I’m a realist enough to recognize that a number of Kennedy voters would cast their ballots to the Democrats.

But I can also bet that an awful lot of his supporters would be casting their ballots for Trump.

Also noted by the Washington Examiner;

According to the RealClearPolitics polling average between Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump, Kennedy, and other candidates, Kennedy garners 10.5% support.