Coming as a shock to no one…
In spite of being raised in a Navy family, ever since I was five years old, I wanted to join the Marine Corps. Even as a somewhat long-haired juvenile delinquent in the mid-1970s, I knew that I’d volunteer to serve my country fresh out of high school.
Fast forward to present day, there is no way in hell a 17-year-old Kevin Whiteman would ever voluntarily sign up to be a part of the Biden armed forces.
Between the extreme woke-ism and the same Leftie culture that blames heterosexual Christian males of European heritage (even though I’m only half-white) as the villain responsible for all the woes of the world… who would want to sign-up for such garbage?
As most of the entire nation is already aware, military recruitment is overall, pretty much in the toilet.
Perhaps the most damning proof of what more than a few have already predicted, would be the report that four different defense strategy reports coming to the same basic conclusions; America’s military can’t execute a successful military campaign with the armed forces we now have in place.
Here’s just a bit as reported by the National Security Journal;
America’s One-War Military Is No Match for Reality
Four consecutive bipartisan defense strategy commissions have looked “under the hood” of America’s armed forces and all issued dire warnings.
The Department of Defense is out-matched for the united threats it faces. This is reinforced by the report from the National Defense Strategy Commission, which opens with a sobering declaration: “The Commission finds that the U.S. military lacks both the capabilities and the capacity required to be confident it can deter and prevail in combat.”
The report paints a stark picture of the global security environment, noting the threats the United States faces are “…the most serious and challenging the nation has encountered since 1945 and include the potential for near-term major war.”
While the lights are all flashing red for America’s armed forces, the commission also finds that China is “outpacing” the United States, and has “largely negated” the US military advantage in the Western Pacific through continued military investment, while also noting that Russia is devoting a whopping 29 percent of its federal budget to its military as it wages its brutal invasion of Ukraine.