OF COURSE the ABC Debate Will be Fair and Objective

Sooo… just how badly will Trump lay into this propagandist within the first 30 seconds?

How DARE we peasants question the journalistic objectivity of the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda oops, I mean the establishment news organizations. How dare we even ask if the Sept.10 debate on ABC will be conducted in a non-partisan and completely equitable fashion.

Well, I for one am calling bullshit on the play. Want some proof?

Looks like white girls don’t exist in Davis’ world.

In an interview with Michigan’s Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (see video below), the ABC News anchor, writer of children’s books, and presidential debate co-moderator Linsey Davis prefaced a question to Whitmer with (emphasis mine);

“As you know, former President Donald Trump is expected to go campaign in Howell, Michigan, tomorrow. Many people are aware that a month ago, in Howell, KKK protesters marched in the streets with the white robes on and suggested that they support Donald Trump. I’m curious if you make anything about that connection and him going in particularly to Howell tomorrow.”

How interesting. Especially in light that the Grand Dragon of the California KKK endorsed Hillary Clinton for president back in 2016.

And let’s not forget that Biden eulogized the Exalted Cyclops of the West Virginia chapter of the KKK.

Sadly, even quite a few conservatives are still in denial that literal Communists are deeply embedded in our government, academia, churches, entertainment industry and media.