(VIDEO) Scottish Newsman Notes that Leftie Euro-Media Blames the ‘Far-Right’ for Jihadist Knife Attacks

Before joining the decidedly anti-woke GB News as a political commentator, Leo Kearse was actually a professional comedian.

Interestingly enough, before that he was a criminal intel analyst and a consultant in national security for the British government.

Suffice it to say, Kearse is the perfect blend of brains and biting wit.

Case in point; his dissecting of various European Lefties who placing the blame squarely on “Far-Right” extremists for the recent jihadist throat-slashings on innocent Germans attending a “Festival of Diversity”.

I wonder how this “festival” advertised the event? “Come for the cultural enrichment, stay for the bloodshed.”

As Kearse eruditely noted, “Being worried about being stabbed in the neck is now ‘Far-Right’, apparently.”

And just so you know, the AfD is the Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) is a conservative, patriotic German political party who’re responsible for the Left filling their undies as of late.

Of course, the Euro-Media has branded the AfD as “Right-Wing”.