Shocked (Not Shocked); Debate Host History of Over-The-Top Pro-Kamala, Trump-Hate Coverage

Yep, 100 percent and without reservations, correct and true.

I know this may come as a shock to many of you, but a recent study notes that media bias is alive and well here in the Western World.

Specifically, right here in the good, ol’ US of A. To be even more specific, those wonderful folks (sarcasm, on) over at ABC News are the guilty party.

Not familiar with this particular network? They’re the same folks who consider those miserable crones over at The View as a legitimate division of ABC News. Don’t believe me? Just click on

But, but, but… orange man bad!

Anyhow, (of the Media Reasearch Center) a division of the latter, has published a report recently noting that ABC News has quite the history of particularly one-sided reporting in regard to the upcoming presidential election.

Long story short, ABC News has given Kamala Harris an amazing 100 percent favorable coverage. On the other side of the coin, the same ABC News gives an equally amazing 93 percent negative coverage.

Don’t forget that ABC News is the same network that’s hosting the Sept. 10 presidential debate.

If you’d like to read the entire article, to include their methodology, just click right here.