(VIDEO) These are the Three Reasons Why the Deep State Will NEVER Allow Trump to be Sworn In

In all honesty, I’m not a full-blown fan boi over Tucker Carlson. I usually agree with almost everything he says. It must be that high-pitched squeal he gives out. That’s like fingers on a chalkboard to me.

But I gotta tell ya – there is one prediction that Carlson made not all that long ago in which he predicted an assassination attempt against Trump.

Just me, but I can’t help but get that sinking feeling that the Democrats, Establishment RINOs, and the millions of government employees who are the veritable excess fat comprising America’s bloated bureaucracy… well, there’s no way in hell they’ll allow Trump to be declared the winner of the upcoming election.

One botched attempt doesn’t mean the mission is over.

I’m also of the belief that what the Dems pulled in 2020 on election day, they’ll have no problem stealing another.

Here’s my main prediction; if they get all butter-fingerie and drop the ball in rigging the election proper, they will NEVER allow him to see Jan. 20, 2025. I’m damn near to the point of laying money on it.

Please keep in mind that if Trump were a RINO cast in the mold of Daddy or Dubya Bush, the Deep State wouldn’t be sweating The Donald. After all, the Establishment GOP and Democrats really aren’t all that different from each other.

Don’t forget that even though Dubya was a Republican, he sure did get a lot of Democrat support in getting the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 passed through the House and the Senate.

Jackass Party notables such as Sens. Hillary Clinton; Chuckie Schumer; John Kerry, along with House Reps. Adam Schiff, Anthony Weiner, Henry Waxman, etc. They all voted to go to war.

But back to the topic at hand.

Here’s the REAL three reasons why the Jackass Party and the RINOs will never… EVER allow Trump to take the oath of office on 20 Jan. 2025;

  • He’s promised to keep the federal government out of crypto-currency.
  • He’s promised no more federal taxes on tips.
  • Just today, he promised no more federal taxes on overtime pay.

If there’s one thing The Swamp loves, it’s someone else’s money.

Now let’s be honest with one another… I’d be willing to bet that Trump will cut the number of government employees by at least 20 percent.

Personally, I’d love to see that number closer to 75, but that’s just me.

But with all that aside, I sure would like to see Pres. Trump hire his own security team.