Princess of Lies Now Wants PRISON Time for Those who Spread ‘Misinformation’

Don’t cry for me, Chappaqua, New York.

Couldn’t ya just eat her up??\

America’s own Karen Czar has actually made quite the public statement in regard to her vision of America becoming the next totalitarian dictatorship under control of people like… well, her.

As seen in the tweet below, Ms. Rodham-Robinette-Hussein-Walz-Heinz-Kerry-Clinton is calling for jailing those who post “misinformation”, ostensibly on social media, but possibly even reaching into the innermost corners of one’s most private thoughts.

We have a winner!

Case in point would be the British woman who was silently praying in front of an abortuary (standing on a public sidewalk), but still found herself arrested for not meeting the police officer’s satisfaction when he questioned her “What exactly are you praying about?”

So without further adieu, from the winner of the East Toilet Seat, Arkansas, Miss Cankles Pageant from 1973;

Not a Russian spy.

How interesting, huh? Especially in light of some of the more questionable utterances from Hillary’s own lips.

I’m talking about accusations that would make Lavrentiy Beria green with envy because he didn’t think of it first.

Examples include;

  • It was the Hillary Clinton for President campaign in 2008 who launched the Barack Obama ‘birther’ movement, not Donald Trump.
  • The whole Steele Dossier and all the scandals in its orbit (Hunter Biden’s laptop; a whopping 51 intel “experts” claiming it looked suspiciously like the Russian government was behind this to assist in getting Trump elected, and that 45 was a Putin plant.) The same Steele Dossier was financed by both Hillary Clinton and the Hilary Clinton Presidential campaign.
  • Hillary Clinton dropped some rather weighty insinuations accusing ex-Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) of being “groomed” by the Moscow-government.
  • Clinton specifically named ultra-progressive presidential candidate Jill Stein as a “Russian asset.”

    “Donnie, I know exactly how you feel.”

For all of her well documented lies, Clinton hasn’t spent a single second in a jail cell. Interesting how that works, huh?

As far as Gabbard and Stein are concerned, neither Clinton nor her campaign organization have offered up any of those inconvenient things called facts or direct evidence.

We don’t have to look any further than Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, or Bret Kavanaugh to realize that the Democrats work on the premise of “Guilt by accusation.”

That’s all the Jackass Party needs to do; just point a bony finger at your opposition and scream, “J’Accuse…!”

Émile Zola must be super pissed.