Iran Wants Trump Dead – Iran Caught Sharing STOLEN Trump Info w/ Team Biden – Latest Wannabe Assassin Hates Trump as ‘Every Reasonable Person Does’

All the pieces are starting to fall into place…

The word’s been out for some time now. Not exactly a secret that the mullahs and generals in Tehran would be thrilled to pieces to see Donald Trump blown to pieces.

Like I said, that’s old news.

Interestingly enough, overnight the news broke that the FBI uncovered that the Iranians have hacked certain sensitive information on the Trump for President Campaign. But wait, there’s more…

The Iranians are not only willing to share with Team Biden/Harris, they’ve already sent it to the White House and beyond.

As reported by news service (emphasis mine);

   “The FBI and other intelligence agencies revealed Wednesday that Iran attempted to share information stolen during its hack on the Trump campaign with the Biden campaign and continues to send material to various media outlets.

“Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails,” the agency wrote in a joint statement alongside the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

   “There is currently no information indicating those recipients replied.”

OK, so Team Biden/Harris never “replied” to the Iranians.

Know what else they never did? They failed to notify the FBI that they were receiving stolen and sensitive info from a hostile nation state. Why didn’t that happen?

Just me, but I find that to be rather disconcerting.

Then we found out recently that the son of Ryan Routh, Oran Routh, had an exclusive interview with London’s (emphasis mine);

This mook comes off as some sort of cross between Cher Horowitz and Kamala Harris. Oran Routh was cited as claiming; “His father is not a violent person and did not even believe him to own a gun.”

Hey Sonny Boy, were you aware that daddy’s past arrest record has everything from resisting arrest to grand larceny to hit-and-run to illegally owning a machine gun?

One thing I will say is that between the Jackass Party, the Leftist media, federal intelligentsia, and school teachers/college professors have succeeded in gaslighting rather large swaths of this country.

Again, noted that Sonny Boy also said, “His father hates Trump as ‘every reasonable person does.’

In the meantime, I still have a few questions about Ryan Routh. I seriously believe that will never be told the truth.


  • How does Routh get off a jet from Hawaii, and automatically knows that the sixth-hole was the best place to crank off a few rounds at Pres. Trump, and then make a quick getaway from there?
  • As an out-of-stater, how did he get his hands on an SKS rifle so quickly? Especially with him already being ineligible to purchase weapons due to past felony convictions?
  • As a self-described construction worker (Think; unemployed handyman), how does Routh have all the money to make multiple trips to Ukraine and a spur of the moment trip to Florida?
  • Being that this specific golf outing wasn’t on Pres. Trump’s public schedule. How did Routh know Trump would be there?
  • How does someone with multiple convictions never spends a single second in prison? Must be nice to have friends in high and important places.