Why the Democrat Plan to ‘Tax the Rich’ is Not Only Stupid, but Also Hurts the Working Class

I can’t hep but to laugh a little whenever I hear someone from the Jackass Party scream about increasing taxes on the wealthy as well as attempting to shame the more wealthy into “paying their fair share.”

Especially in light of who is actually pumping money into the coffers of the US Treasury Department. As noted by the good folks over at TaxFoundation.org;

  • Top 1% Taxes Paid – 42.3%
  • Top 5% Taxes Paid – 62.7%
  • Top 10% Taxes Paid – 73.7%
  • Top 25% Taxes Paid – 88.5%
  • Top 50% Taxes Paid – 97.7%
  • Bottom 50% Taxes Paid – 2.3%

Wuuuuut!? You mean the top 50 percent are the ones who pay nearly 98 percent of all the taxes? (Sarcasm, off.)

I also live seeing the look in their faces when I remind them of Hunter Biden pleading guilty to NINE counts of federal tax evasion. Amazing that the Leftist Media widely ignores this, huh?

But let’s engage in a bit of a thought experiment. Imagine a million dollars just landed in your lap. What would you do with it?

I’ll point out that every single legal choice you make actually helps stimulate the economy, especially the Working Class. But there is an exception. I’ll save that for last.

  • You put the money in a bank. Even if it’s just in a basic savings account or a CD, that same financial institution now has the wherewithal to loan out that same money in the form of home and business loans. Building homes and buying inventory creates jobs.
  • You invest the money in a long-term investment. Be it a mutual fund, some type of IRA, even crypto-currency, your funds will be spent on businesses. Businesses create jobs.
  • You spend the money. Everything from a pack of chewing gum to a washing machine to a high-end luxury car, those things need to be manufactured. Someone had to build a factory. Someone had to harvest the timber that’s milled into lumber; mine the ore that becomes steel; drill for the oil that makes fuel. All of those means jobs.
  • You can donate the money to a charity or gift it to friends of family. Either way, no one’s going to eat the money. They’re going to spend it.
  • Lastly (and perhaps the most stupid choice), give every penny to the federal government. Just make out the check to US Treasury. On a personal note, I can almost hear the bureaucrats laughing now.

One other point I’d like to bring up that has nothing to do with my post… but why does the government keep talking about a “Government Gun Buy-Back Program”?

Last time I checked, I never purchased a single one of my firearms from the government.