- I just fell out of a coconut tree.
- I went to the wrong rally.
- I’ve bribed black folks with legalized marijuana.
- I see culture as something that’s cultural when the morning rolls around in that certain culture.
- I know how to braid armpit hair. Shout-out to my ugly-assed step-daughter.
- I have empathy, mohn.
- I think we both know what I’m talking about.
- I still don’t know what you’re talking about.
- I have not a thing that comes to mind.
- I honor the historical women who made history throughout the history of all history.
- I want America to be more like Detroit.
- I’ve never parented a child, but will tell you how to.
- I’m for/against fracking.
- I’m for/against private health insurance.
- I’m for/against de-funding the police.
- I’m for/against a border wall.
- I’m for/against packing the Supreme Court.
- I’m for/against a mandatory gun buy-back program.
- I own a Glock, even though I didn’t buy it from the government.
- I will prosecute price gouging, even when there is none.
- I smoked pot while listening to two rappers before they even recorded music.
- I was the little girl on that bus.
- I know the 2024 race is the most election of our lifetime.
- I did it. I did it, Joe.
- I’m speaking.
- I don’t want you to remember Trump’s record.
- I want you to forget my record.
- I’ve already thank’d-ah union membah fo’ alla mah sick leave.
- I still haven’t been to Europe.
- I know we only have 32 days, just 32 days. Important stuff in 32 days… 32 days.
- I ask big questions about space.
- I’m from a Middle-Class family.
- I was born a poor black child.
- I’m kind of a nerd sometimes.
- I know the difference between a Willie and a Montel.
- I’ve never signed the front of a paycheck.
- I don’t trust the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Ni, Nights in White Satin, whatever.
- I worked at McDonald’s.
- I still don’t have any proof that I ever worked at McDonald’s.
- I think Russia is a big country fighting against Ukraine, a smaller country.
- I love Venn diagrams.
- I love yellow school buses.
- I love re-charging my phone on a bus I’ll never ride.
- I invest in community banks within the community, regardless of community.
- I soak my collard greens in a bathtub.
- I just look at my mom and said one word, ‘Fweedom.’
- I’m talking about the significance of the passage of time. The significance of the passage of time. There’s great significance to the passage of time, right?
- I’ve worked my knees to the bone.
- I’m against the assassination attempts on any Fascist who wants to destroy America’s democracy.
- I’m unburdened by what has once been burdened.