Berlin – I count at least 24 Syrian flags. No women, no children… but an awful lot of military age males.
By now, we all know that the government of Bashar al-Assad has fallen. Fair bet he’s either dead or living a rather nice Russian dacha by now.
Please keep in mind that the current Prime Minister of Syria, Mohamed al-Bashir, is asking for all his countrymen who’ve hauled ass, to now come home to ‘rebuild’ their Third-World dung heap of a nation, as reported by Britain’s the Daily Mail.
According to Germany’s official office of Federal Statistics, the Syrian population in Deutschland was estimated at a whopping 1.3 million.

Germany is physically slightly smaller than the US state of Montana, but has slightly less the population (89 million) of the three most populous US states (California, Texas, Florida).
That’s just Syria. Not included would be Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria, Somalia, Tunisia, Iraq, Mali, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, etc.
But here’s the real kick in the ass – according to Thomas Brooke of the European news service Remix (Budapest, Hungary);
“Half of Syrians in Germany still depend on benefits years after arriving, undermining skilled worker claims.”
Ahh… but now come the kick in the teeth.
As cited by, IQ scores falling between 70 – 84 qualify as “Below Average”. Anything below 70 is “Lower Extreme”.
Ruh-row. Does that mean I’m going to cite the actual (insert name of retarded nation here) the countries that are officially retarded?
Well… yes.
Noted by the good folks over at, here are some numbers you may find interesting;
- Syria – 74.41
- Afghanistan – 82.12
- Turkey 86.8*
- Iraq – 89.28*
- Somalia – 67.67
- Iran – 80.01
- Russia – 96.29*
- Colombia – 83.13
- Eretria – 68.77
*The only nations with a sizable number of “migrants” in Germany qualifying as “Average IQ” (85 – 114).
For what it’s worth;
- Japan topped the list at 106.48, just beating Taiwan’s score of 106.47 (“Above Average” is 115 – 129).
- The United States is 29th out of 197. Pretty much in the middle of the pack of the “Average” category with an IQ score of 97.43
As far as where most Americans can trace their ancestry;
- Germany and Netherlands tied – 100.74
- Great Britain (UK) – 99.12
- Poland – 96.35
- Ireland – 95.13
- Italy – 94.23
- Mexico – 87.73