I’ve featured Scottish comedian and GB News personality Leo Kearse before.As usual, Kearse knows his facts, presents the topic intelligently, and perhaps most important, Kease is just in-your-face funny.
For those of you who may be unaware, a West Yorkshire, pro-Gaza British MP (Member of Parliament) Iqbal Mohamed has very publicly stated in the House of Commons that he is dead set against the British government outlawing marriage between first cousins, as reported by GB News.

As MP Mohamed stated in defense of generational first cousin marriage (emphasis mine);
“An estimated 35 per cent to 50 per cent of all subsaharan African populations either prefer or accept cousin marriages, and it’s extremely common in the Middle East and South Asia.”
“The reason the practice is so common is that ordinary people see family intermarriage overall as something that is very positive, something that helps build family bonds and helps put families on a more secure financial foothold.”
“Estimated”? By whom, exactly?
But as Kease eruditely cites government numbers (in video below), generational cousin marriage often results in;
- Blindness
- Hearing loss
- Neonatal diabetes
- Blood disorders
- Limb malformations
- Low IQ
- Cleft pallet
- Heart problems
- Cystic fibrosis
- And even death
- Death is a very bad health problem to develop, as it’s often fatal
Is this a map of high first cousin marriage or just backwards nations?
Not quite done yet, Kease also quoted more government stats;
“Nearly half of deaths in children age below one in the city [Bradford] could be attributed to chromosomal genetic and congenital anomalies which are more common among babies born to cousins.”
Maybe it’s because I admittingly embrace my somewhat warped and dark sense of humor, Kearse came out and says what everyone else was thinking;
“We’re all having to pay for it every time one of these cousin bangers pumps out a cyclops potato with flippers, our socialized Health Service ensures that we have the pleasure of paying hand-over-fist to look after it.”
It just gets better. Enjoy the video.