Deus Vult, indeed.
Only when it pertained to the post have I noted my particular faith. With that said, yes… I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer. God Almighty surely exists, and He will answer every single prayer of supplication you may ask of Him.
Keep in mind, the answer sometimes may be “not yet” or even the dreaded “no”. Nonetheless, you did get an answer.
Any given non-believer could simply chalk The Almighty’s responses to our prayer as little more than mere chance. Looking at things from their perspective, yeah… I get it. I disagree, but I get it.
But consider this – I’ll ask any given non-believers to work with me though a little thought experiment.
Three individuals and a micro biography of each;
- Donald Trump – (Net Worth; $6.2 Billion) Queens, NY born, the former POTUS from 2017-2021. Left office with more than a few gray clouds (AKA: “Pissy Dems, Leftie Media, Backstabbing RINOs“) all doing their damndest to ensure he never gets within 1,000 miles of the White House ever again.
- Elon Musk – (Net Worth; $439.4 Billion) Naturalized citizen originally from South Africa. Has been assigned as co-chair to Trump’s advisory board, DOGE.
- Vivek Ramaswamy – (Net Worth; $1.0 Billion) Natural born citizen to legal immigrants from India. Also assigned as co-chair to Trump’s advisory board, DOGE.
OK, here we have three different individuals. Some of the more obvious binding threads;
- All American citizens.
- All exceedingly wealthy.
- All really do care about the quality of living (mind, body, spirit, financial security) for their fellow citizens who’re less fortunate.
Now back to the though experiment with the non-believers.
Think about it… back on Jan. 20, 2021, Pres. Trump literally persona non grata. To put it politely, Trump was politically toxic amongst the political establishment.

With the exception of his most ardent supporters, Trump was done. At the time, it sure looked like the Democrats and their RINO allies had won.
Fast forward four-years, Pres. Trump is the President-elect. Not only that, he has two rather wealthy men doing their level best actually watch out for the best interests of the American taxpayers.
Think about it – what are the chances of Trump rising from the ashes, THEN siccing a couple of Bull Mastiffs on a spend-happy congress?
Astronomically slim to none… those are the chances.
Now my question; did God Almighty deign that Trump would not only win the election, but would actually follow through with his promises to actually cut wasteful spending?
I’m going to cite evidence as my answer.
Just a few short weeks ago, the DC Swamp attempted to force a 1,500 page CR (Continuing Resolution) on what they hoped was an unsuspecting American public. Remember that, gang?
Enter Musk and Ramaswamy. Trump hasn’t even been sworn-in yet, but Elon and Vivek have uncovered more than a few questionable expenditures.
Below, I’ve cited just a smidge of that Reps. Mike Johnson and Hakeem Jeffries tried to slide through.
Again, less than one page out of 1,500 pages of bullshit. To cut through the legalese;
- $15,000,000 for killing wild pigs (one would think the states and/or counties could pay for that).
- $29,000,000 for FEMA (CYA money to cover congresses asses for pumping billions to illegal aliens and Ukraine).
- $4,000,000 for future FEMA investigations to investigate themselves
- $1,500,000 for the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance (in other words, people living in, say… Georgia, having to pay for putting out fires in a small corner of New Mexico).
- An additional $1,000,000 to ensure the $1,500,000 sent to Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon is spent correctly (you can’t make this stuff up).
Take a peek at H.R. 10445, formally titled, “Further Continuing Appropriations and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2025“.
To the non-believers, I can’t force you to recognize the existence of God, I can only point it out to you.