Insanity in America’s Freezer; Stop ‘White Supremacy’ in Canadian Army ‘Before it Gets Out of Hand’

Why is all that red hating on just a little white?

Before there was Tom Cruise and ‘Minority Report’, there was Franz Kafka and his novel Der Process (The Trial).

What both tales have in common is a shadowy, totalitarian central government crushing people for equally sketchy “crimes.”

Case in point; some nondescript poli sci professor at Canada’s University of Alberta is scheduled to meet with officials of that nation’s military.

Prof. Andy Knight’s supposed “research” warns of that scary “white supremacy” rearing its ugly Caucasian head in the Canadian armed forces.

Maybe… sort of… possibly.

As reported by (emphasis and [comments] mine);

An Alberta-based analyst asked by the military to study white supremacy in its ranks says if it doesn’t want the problem to take root, it should take action against a culture that gives it room to grow. [What problem?]

Prof. Andy Knight.

Political scientist Andy Knight says his research suggests current attitudes within the Armed Forces favour white, male and Christian cultures and put groups like women, people of colour, newcomers and the LGBTQ+ community at a disadvantage. [Examples, please.]

“It’s a long-standing historical problem that has to do with the military’s mindset on who should be in the military and how they’re going to be treated once they’re in,” Knight said in an interview. [Lots of assumptions, few facts.]

“This is kind of a wake-up call for the military … they ought to do something about this problem before it gets out of hand.” [How Minority Report.]

Knight, with the University of Alberta, is to meet with defence and military officials in Ottawa to discuss his findings and recommendations. [Have at it, Canada. You deserve each other.]

He said the research became all the more intriguing after it was revealed that some military members were involved in the 2022 “Freedom Convoy” protests against COVID-19 rules that shut down much of downtown Ottawa for weeks. [I’m sure that “some” military members also fill in the blank. That’s mighty thin supposed “evidence”.]

It usually starts at recruitment, the report says, as the military focuses on recruiting from rural areas that may have limited diversity. It notes roughly 90 per cent of soldiers are white men, creating an environment where supremacist beliefs can flourish. [Again, lots of assumptions, few facts.]

Don’t be shocked if these young country bumpkins no longer desire to serve a government that hates them.

Then again, Canada doesn’t really need a military. They’ve got America to protect them.