BREAKING NEWS: Eric Adams Still a Democrat – NYC Refuses to Hand-Over Killer to ICE

“New York politicians are allowing the murder of their own citizens.”

Noem takes charge…

It was only a handful of weeks ago that both conservatives and lefties wondered aloud of the possibility that Mayor Eric Adams just might switch over to the Republican Party.

Just me, but I get the distinct impression that Adams’ recent silence has put that speculation straight to bed.

Zapeta sits and calmly watches his handiwork.

Kristi Noem, the ex-governor of South Dakota, and current Secretary of Homeland Security, called out both the city and state of New York for refusing to hand-over Sebastian Zapeta.

Not all that long ago, the world watched in horror as Zapeta set fire to a sleeping Debrina Kawam on the New York City subway system’s closed-circuit TV.

Making things all the more horrific, Zapeta was caught on film taking a few steps away to sit on a bench to watch Kawam burn to death.