(VIDEO) British Judge Refuses to Deport Albanian Thug, Son won’t Eat ‘Foreign Chicken Nuggets’

Yes, this is what passes for a chicken nugget in Great Britain (DailyMail.com).

Without a doubt, Scotland’s Leo Kearse is my favorite cultural commentator. His dead-pan sense of humor cuts all the way to the bone.

Rest assured, his latest doesn’t disappoint.

Perhaps proving that Britain is off the rails, Kearse notes of an Albanian-born “asylum seeker” who was busted while having £250,000 in ill-gotten gains.

However, some fookin’ eejit judge ruled that this criminal couldn’t be deported back to his native Albania due to his son “doesn’t like foreign chicken nuggets.”

Or as reported by London’s Express.co.uk (emphasis mine);

An Albanian criminal has been allowed to remain in Britain partly because his son refuses to eat chicken nuggets available abroad, a tribunal has ruled.

The immigration judge concluded that it would be “unduly harsh” to send the 10-year-old boy back to Albania with his father, acknowledging his apparent sensitivity to certain foods.

The only specific example provided in court was the child’s distaste for the “type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad.”

As a result, the judge upheld the father’s appeal against deportation under the right to family life provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) on the basis that his removal could have a negative impact on his son…