Put Up or Shut Up; Most Europeans Do NOT Want Their Own Nations to Increase Paying for Ukraine

Mark Rutte, the odd man out.

The Hateful 18+1.

How interesting. A handful of days before the Trump-Vance-Zelensky dust-up even happened, the usually reliable YouGov.co.uk pollsters uncovered some rather interesting attitudes across the European continent.

I can’t help but wonder how much those numbers would change if the same poll were held today.

Anyhow, as seen in the graphic below, even those with the highest numbers of increasing aid to Ukraine are in the minority in their particular nation.

  • Sweden leads the pack to increase paying for Zelensky’s Folly (33 percent), but of those who want the Nordic nation to either maintain the status quo or even decrease aid, they are the majority with a combined 53 percent.
  • Somewhere in the middle is Germany, where those who want to increase is a mere 22 percent. However, 62 percent are either same level or decrease.
  • The anti-Sweden would be Italy. Supporting more for Ukraine is a pathetic 13 percent, while same or less is a whopping 67 percent.

After some quick calculations on my part, of the seven nations surveyed, the average percentage of those in favor if increasing paying for Ukraine is only 23.

The average of staying the same or decreasing aid is a crushing 61 percent.

Just me, but two things are abundantly clear;

      • The European elitist leaders are completely out of touch with their own people.
      • The MAGA rhetoric is true. If Zelensky actually believes that Europe will bail him out, he won’t last long.

I’m sure Putin is shitting himself.