(VIDEO) Russians Threaten Sweden w/ NUCLEAR Armed Attack Aircraft

Russian SU-27 Flanker fighter aircraft.

Technically, the Russian Federation is already in a state of war with the Kingdom of Sweden.

But it doesn’t end there. This state of war is nearly a full month old.

It still doesn’t end there. When the Russians entered into this particular state of war with two nuclear devices aimed directly at Sweden.

What many fellow news junkies are already aware of, in early March, Vladimir Putin threatened both Sweden and Finland that if they so much as even ask for admission into the NATO alliance, Russia would attack both nations.

Many are also aware that nearly a month ago, Russian military aircraft violated Swedish airspace when two SU-24 attack/bombers and two SU-27 fighters  overflew Gotland Island, roughly 75 miles off of Sweden’s East Coast.

What most aren’t aware of, two of the four Russian warplanes were armed with nuclear weapons.

As reported by Laurence Dollimore of Britain’s the Daily Mail (emphasis mine);

Two Russian planes that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month were equipped with nuclear weapons, it has emerged.

The flyover near the island of Gotland on March 2 was a deliberate act designed to intimidate Sweden, according to Swedish news channel TV4 Nyheterna.

A total of four planes had taken off from the Russian air base of Kaliningrad.

They consisted of two Sukhoi 24 attack planes, which were escorted by two Sukhoi 27 fighter jets. 

It was the two attack planes which were, according to TV4 Nyheter sources, equipped with nuclear weapons.

The violation of Swedish territory lasted for about a minute.

The country’s air force deployed two JAS 39 Gripen which took pictures of the intruders.

It was then, say Swedish media, that it was confirmed the Russian planes were equipped with nuclear warheads. 

SU-24 Fencer attack/bomber.

‘This is a signal to Sweden that we have nuclear weapons and we could also consider using them,’ military strategic expert Stefan Ring told TV4 Nyheter.

‘We assess it as a conscious action. Which is very serious especially as [Russia] is a warring country,’ added Air Force Chief Carl-Johan Edström.

After the end of the Cold War, Sweden slashed military spending. It was only after Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 that parliament agreed on a turnaround.

Sweden reintroduced mandatory military service in 2017 and reopened its garrison on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea in January 2018.

In October, it bumped up defence spending by 40 percent with an extra 27 billion Swedish kronor ($2.8 billion, 2.5 billion euros) to be added to the defence budget from 2021 to 2025.

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