(VIDEO) Sen. Coons (D-DE) Discusses Sending US Troops to Ukraine Despite None of His Own Kids Serve in the Military

Just as long as none of his kids go…

How interesting. So, the junior Chicken Hawk from the Nothing State is discussing American troops being sent into combat against the Russians.

During a softball interview on the CBS Sunday morning show Face The Nation (video below), Coons very plainly stated (emphasis mine), “I think the history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine and that Putin will only stop when we stop him.”

How odd… especially in light that of Coons’ own three adult children, none of them qualify as veterans, active duty, reservist or National Guard.

As seen in the Jan. 12, 2015 photo below, Britain’s DailyMail.com notes that it was a 13-year-oldĀ  Maggie Coons who was the sniffee while a smiling dad looked on.

The Chinese-installed Resident of the United States perving-out.

With young Maggie as the baby of the family Coons, depending on her birthday, she’s either 20 or more than likely, 21-years-old.

In the lead photo for this article, her two elder brothers don’t look much older than she is.

So just so I’m getting this right, Chris Coons has never served as much as a nano-second in uniform. Neither has his wife. As far as the Coons kids are concerned, they’re 0-for-3.

Hey Krissy, if you want to be the lead cheerleader for sending our children to duke it out with Putin… I STRONLY suggest YOU take all three of your own children to sign up.

Being a retired Marine, I suggest you sent them all to Parris Island. Whatever MOS they sign up for, for the most part, I don’t care. But I do want an exception with Maggie.

That young lady NEEDS to join the infantry. I already know that you’re a big proponent of women in the Combat Arms Occupational Field, so your sweet little girl can be the trail blazer.

Think how happy she’ll be. Sleeping in frozen mud; two or three hours sleep a night; lucky to get two or three MREs a day; strap 100+ lbs to her rather slight frame, then go on those nasty 25 mile SPEED marches.

After all that, THEN you’ll finally make contact with the enemy. That’s when thing really, REALLY start to suck.

But, what was I thinking!? Krissy, we both know there isn’t a chance in hell that any of your privileged brats will get within a 1,000 yards of a Armed Forces Recruiting Station.

But you don’t have much of a problem of sending everyone else’s kids to go fight and die.


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