During his entire professional career, Joe Biden has lived off the taxpayer teat. Well, there was one year that he worked for a private law firm, but the essential truth is that Biden has been sucking off of the taxpayers for the past 53-years.
Interestingly enough, in a recent interview with the Ministerium für Information und Propaganda, err… I mean PBS, Biden quite openly states that amongst the classified documents seized by federal agents, “The kinds of things they’ve picked-up or things that from 1974 and stray papers.”
Just me, but how do I know that the docs snatched-up by the feds were classified? Common sense, that’s how.
I’ll ask rhetorically one simple question: Why would the FBI take into custody unclassified documents? That’s right, they’d have no reason to whatsoever.
It was in 1972 that Biden won the election as one of the US senators from the state of Delaware, sworn into office in January, 1973.
I may not be a lawyer who specializes in federal law, but I’m pretty sure that senators don’t have the juice to declassify documents.
By the way, in case you missed it… PBS is also reporting that Biden’s DoJ is closing the case against Mike Pence for illegally having classified docs in his Indiana home. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, with no charges filed.