(VIDEO) Transgenders: The Only Reasonable Conclusion I Could Possibly Reach

Primum, non nocere (First, do no harm).

We’ve all heard the political Left try to further destroy both common sense and basic biology with their fanciful explanations of gender dysphoria not being a true mental illness.

But I’ve decided to look at this whole transgender thingee from the advocates point of view.

So, they tell us that it’s correct for a 14-year-old girl to not only hack-off her own perfectly healthy breasts, but she should also mutilate her own reproductive organs.

Of course, the same applies to little boys. Chemical castration along with a side order of penectomy is the order of the day.

OK, so between the Biden administration, their reliable lapdog media, and absolutely, the Masters of the Universe social media, we’re all suppose to believe that an awful lot of people were “born in the wrong bodies.”

Soooo… following the logic of those who adhere to the notion that hundreds of thousands (if not millions upon millions) of people who were born in the wrong bodies, the sexual organs they were born with are in actuality birth defects?

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