Actions Have Consequences; Wall Street CEOs to Blacklist Pro-Hamas Harvard Students

Members of the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee.

It certainly appears that so-called ‘cancel culture’ works both ways. It also appears that some on the Left are now backing out of their previous virtue signaling.

The Daily Mail of Great Britain is reporting that billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is urging CEOs and other movers and shakers on Wall Street to ensure that the dozens of Harvard University student organizations that blame Israel for the horrific terrorist attacks.

As reported, “a host of blue-chip CEOs declared them unemployable.” The entire Daily Mail article available here.

Interestingly enough, roughly 12-hours later, Fox News is posting that at least a small number of those same groups are now asking that their names be withdrawn.

While Fox News doesn’t cite Ackman’s cancel call as a motivating reason for certain groups to now back away from their condemnation of Israel, let’s just say that I find their about-face as somewhat… well, suspicious. But that’s just me.

The entire Fox News article can be found here, but below is at least a taste of the article (emphasis mine);

“Danielle Mikaelian, a Harvard law student who sits on the board of one of the students groups who signed the document, also said she did not see the statement before her group signed it. She apologized roughly 48 hours afterward, and said she was resigning from her position in the group.”

“I am sorry for the pain this caused. My organization did not have a formal process and I didn’t even see the statement until we had signed on,” Mikaelian stated on X Tuesday evening. She added that the student group had withdrawn its signature on the document.”

Personal note: You gotta be kidding me. A Harvard law school student fails to realize that she should at least READ any given document before signing it?

As I ask rhetorically (and with no small amount of sarcasm), are Harvard students really this gullible, naïve, and brainwashed?

Well, moms and dads of America, great job of raising a generation of participation trophy whiners and Marxist-friendly Useful Idiots. The Bolshies would be proud.