White and Woke; Air Force Colonel Called-Out For His Openly Anti-White Prejudice

Col. Ben Jonnson, Air Force weenie.

Just me, but it looks like someone hitched his star to white wokeism…

If you’re curious as to why this mook isn’t wearing the star of a brigadier general, you can thank Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).

In spite of the reliably leftist media perpetuating the lie that the senior senator from the Cotton State is blocking ALL officer promotions military-wide, the reality is that he’s blocking all promotions of generals and admirals. A mere 300 is the actual number, not tens of thousands that the leftist media wants you to think.

On a personal note, in a US military, both active and reserves, of a mere 2.5 million, a pause in flag officers is sorely needed. After all, we have more generals and admirals now then we did in WWII. By the way, 16 million Americans served during the Second World War.

But back to the topic at hand, Jonnson has quite the history of wagging his finger at fellow white officers. As it turns out, Jonnson’s said finger wagging was based on nothing more than his fellow officer’s skin color.

To me it’s all pretty simple… if he has a specific fellow officer whose leadership decisions have been polluted by prejudice, then call out that officer by name. But he doesn’t. Thusly proving that Jonnson is essentially a shit-filled phony.

Sparked by The Heritage Foundation’s request to the Pentagon for an assessment of Jonnson’s alleged leadership while the commanding officer of the USAF’s 6th Air Refueling Wing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

As reported by The Daily Signal (emphasis mine);

“Col. Ben Jonsson, an Air Force officer who accused his fellow “white colonels” of being “blind to institutional racism,” is the subject of blistering criticism from subordinates at MacDill Air Force Base, where he served as commander from 2020 to 2022.”

“Jonsson is among the more than 300 military officers awaiting Senate approval for a promotion. Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., has blocked Democrats—and now some Republicans—from rubber-stamping these promotions in a dispute over the Pentagon’s taxpayer-funded abortion policy.”

Your tax dollars at work.

“The Daily Signal’s previous reporting on Jonsson’s views on diversity, equity, and inclusion—and his endorsement of a book on critical race theorysparked concerns among conservatives.”

“The reporting also prompted The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project to request a Defense Department “climate” assessment completed during Jonsson’s leadership of MacDill Air Force Base. As a result of a request under the Freedom of Information Act, the Oversight Project obtained the so-called Defense Organizational Climate Survey and shared it with The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s news outlet.”

“Responses to this “climate” survey of Jonsson’s leadership, included below, paint a picture of his tenure and concerns about his views on DEI and CRT. The survey, completed in January 2022, was conducted anonymously.”

Here are a slew of the thoughts given by both military personnel and civilian contractors serving under Jonnson;

“I trust [squadron and group] commanders, but not Col. Jonsson. He has bias in [equal opportunity] and [judge advocate] matters especially if someone is white,” one respondent stated. “He wants anyone white to feel ashamed.” 

Survey respondents also said skin color was a factor in opportunities for promotion.

“Wing hiring practices are not based on [the] most qualified person, but focus solely on perception of diversity,” one comment states.

Another adds: “The core of promotion, advancement and opportunities must be performance based … period [but] that is not what we do at MacDill.” 

Army veteran William Thibeau, director of the Claremont Institute’s American Military Project and a critic of “woke” military officers, says he was alarmed by the comments included in the Defense Department’s assessment of Jonsson’s leadership. The Daily Signal provided a sampling for Thibeau to review prior to publication.

How professional…

“If Col. Jonsson’s previous public advocacy of bizarre and toxic political ideology was not already disqualifying, revelations about his on-the-ground leadership make his unsuitability for promotion undeniable,” said Thibeau, a graduate of Army Ranger School.

But wait until you read excerpts of what Jonnson penned to the Air Force Times in the summer of 2020 titled ‘Dear White Colonel’:

Shortly before becoming commander of the 6th Air Refueling Wing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, Jonsson wrote an 825-word commentary published in the Air Force Times on July 1, 2020. In it, he recounted several examples of what he described as “white defensiveness” in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death the previous May 25 while in the custody of Minneapolis police.

Dear white colonel, it is time to give a damn. Aim High,” Jonsson wrote, adding:

As white colonels, you and I are the biggest barriers to change if we do not personally address racial injustice in our Air Force. Defensiveness is a predictable response by white people to any discussion of racial injustice. White colonels are no exception. We are largely blind to institutional racism, and we take offense to any suggestion that our system advantaged us at the expense of others.

Jonsson included an endorsement of critical race theory promoter Robin DiAngelo’s controversial book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”

Jonsson included an endorsement of critical race theory promoter Robin DiAngelo’s controversial book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”

One survey respondent writes: “If you are white and read this book, you cannot walk away without the interpretation [that] Col. Jonsson wants you to know he sees all white people as racist.” 

Following his stint at MacDill Air Force Base, Jonsson became vice superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which faced criticism for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and critical race theory. He currently is stationed at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.

The Daily Signal contacted the public affairs office at Scott Air Force Base, which declined to comment on the Defense Department’s assessment of Jonsson.

Some Three-Star Den Mother with the Space Force (AKA: “The Red-Headed Ugly Step-Child of the Air Force”) spreads her woke wisdom…