Cuts Across the Boards; NYC Hacks Budgets or Will Fire NYPD, FDNY, Schools, Sanitation to Pay for Migrants

Sticking to his campaign promise the Big Apple “will remain a sanctuary city,” but I don’t seem to recall Adams ever promising the people of the city that in order to pay for the same illegal aliens, the legal, rightful residents will see city services slashed.

As it turns out, rather than having the courage to go against the Democrat narrative, Adams would rather that the taxpaying residents need to do without.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that talk is cheap. It really is beyond me why anyone would want to live in this flaming dumpster fire.

In an article from the New York Post of Nov. 15, 2023;

  • The expected cuts come after Hizzoner gave all city departments until this month to slash an initial 5% from their budgets — and warned they should brace for an additional two rounds, totaling another 10%…

In a separate article from the New York Post dated Nov. 16, 2023;

  • Under City Hall’s newly unveiled updated 2024 financial plan, the next five police academy classes will be axed
  • Firefighters are also in the firing line with FDNY members who are on “long-term light duties” — meaning they’ve been injured on the job or are out sick — being forced into early retirement or fired under the plan.
  • The FDNY’s budget, meanwhile, will be slashed by $74 million…
  • Department of Education will eliminate $547 million from its 2024 fiscal budget— with most savings coming from getting rid of jobs that have yet to be filled, as well as reducing after school program seats by just over 3,500.
  • The Sanitation Department, whose budget cuts will total $32 million next fiscal year, will see its lot cleaning unit completely disbanded and a reduction in litter basket services near parks, greenways and bridges.

While I’ve been under the impression that every conservative living in New York City have long since moved to either of the Carolinas, Tennessee, Florida, etc., I’ve found out that at least a few remain;

  • “The defund the police crowd’s woke dream has come true. We were fed a line of BS that the wave of migrants would be a benefit to the city. Now we are defunding the police to pay for their beds,” Council Republican Minority Leader, Joe Borelli, raged.