(VIDEO) Unhinged Chris Matthews Openly Lies About Trump Calling Himself ‘God’; Establishment Media Ignores

The missing Biden.

You knew it was only a matter of time. Hard-core Leftiecrat Chris Matthews would take to MSNBC’s Morning Joe show to tell us all about how Trump is declaring himself to be God Almighty.

There’s only one teensy-weensy problem with Matthews’ accusation. Namely, Trump never said any of that.

Specifically, Matthews stated on the air (video below); “This presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is saying, I am the Shepherd. I’m Him. I’m God.”

Not ending there, professional bubble-headed bleach blonde Mika Brzezinski now seems to think that she’s qualified to give catechism classes; “I’m just curious, with this man whose every day is a miserable march to what God-fearing Christians would call hell… why is this lost on people who love Jesus and follow the message of Jesus?”

Hey Mika, don’t fret over the status of my soul. I’ll vote again for President Trump, even though I don’t consider him to be God. No one I know thinks he’s God. By the way, hon… I certainly don’t need to take religion classes from a chick who went out of her way to steal another woman’s husband. But that’s just me.

In the meantime, reporter Pam Key of Breitbart.com notes that Matthews certainly sends the subliminal message that only bitter Lower Middle-Class and Working Poor are voting for Trump (emphasis mine);

“When I was up there in New Hampshire, my tenth primary up there, I saw a lot of really poor people waiting in line for two hours to see Donald Trump. Really poor people, white people in most cases. And I said, what’s going on here? I don’t know if the tabs relate or why it relates, but they really want this guy to be president again. Then I saw the Florida Atlantic University poll that came out in March. And it pointed out that the only economic group in the country that likes Trump is under $ 50,000 a year, not $50,000 to $100,000, only people below $50,000. I can’t put it all together.

The eyes are the window to the soul.

Maybe people are hard up, people have a grievance against society, because society has been tough on him. white, Hispanic, black, all kinds of people below $50,000 a year are for Trump. Somebody has got to get that into their heads that’s what’s going on here. Somebody has to start thinking about why Trump is appealing to those people who are hard up.”

Is it just me, or is Matthews trying to pit class against class? Sure looks like it from where I stand.

Regarding the Florida Atlantic University poll (FAUpolling.com), I looked up that specific poll… and brother, have I found out quite a few things.

First of all, Matthews cited a singular poll. Why do you think he cited quite possibly one of the very few polls that skews against strongly Trump? Interesting, huh?

Then FAU states quite openly of their methodology, “The margin of error for the poll is +/- 3.0 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. Margins of error are higher in each subsample.” That means they can move the numbers around either way by three points. Even though they also state that the “Margins of error are higher in each subsample”, they never note what the specific number is among those “higher” numbers. Interesting, huh?

FAU also noted that the poll was sent via text message and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to 1,053 random registered voters. Any pollster worth his salt will tell you that if you want a true reflection of any given election, then tighten the poll by only polling likely voters, not just registered voters. Interesting, huh?

Then they asked if the election were held today, would you vote for Trump or Biden? They even went as far as to break it down by income: For those making less than $50k per year (all voters polled), 48.7% for Trump; 39.8% for Biden.

Keep in mind that +/- 3.0 percent variable. This particular percentage could have even been adjusted Trump – 45.7 percent; Biden – 42.5 percent. Somewhat tighter. Interesting, huh?

But as if by magic, FAU pulls the numbers of likely voters out of their ass. Nowhere in FAU’s methodology do they mention polling likely voters at all. Interesting, huh?

Strangely enough, those making under $50K (likely voters): Trump – 50.4 percent; Biden – 43 percent. Don’t forget that +/- 3.0 percent variable! This already questionable poll could easily be adjusted to Trump at 47.4 percent; Biden at 46 percent. That just got a LOT tighter, didn’t it?

Please don’t forget that this poll won’t tell us much about “Margins of error are higher in each subsample.” Interesting, huh?

I would like to add that Matthews finished off this alleged “interview” with (emphasis mine);

Tell me more about the Cult of Trump.

“I don’t know if the Democrats have really thought through this campaign and what they’re up against. This guy’s calling himself God. And if he can get away with that, then it is truly a cult.”

Really… a cult? I can remember Savior Obama votive candles for sale everywhere for quite a while.

Last thing – there were six people total when Matthews lost it. Not a single one of them had the moral courage or the grit to so much as ask Matthew’s, “Where and when did Trump claim he was God?”

Still think the likes of MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC News have even a drop of journalistic integrity? If so, I have some shares in a Ukrainian power company I’d like to sell you.