Best Military on the Planet? US Army’s $320,000,000 Gaza Dock is Now Broken

Well, that was a third of a billion well spent.

Look at those huge waves!

I really am sick of hearing about how this nation has the best military on the planet. Mainly because we don’t.

I understand my comments are going to piss a whole lot of people off. Hell, it pisses me off. Especially with me being a retired enlisted Marine.

Here’s a quick bullet list of what our Department of Defense is;

  • More civilians than those in uniform (can you spell ‘bloated bureaucracy’?)
  • Rank and file troops spending more time in DEI classes than they’ve received in training on killing bad guys
  • An ex-Chairman of the JCS (Fat-ass Millie) who was on the phone with his Communist Chinese counterpart during the closing days of the Trump Administration, telling him not to worry about Trump attacking China, he had everything taken care of
  • A US Army that can’t even build a glorified temporary bridge

    The state of our military, personified.

Yes… the much-vaunted Gaza dock/jetty/pier (whatever) has already shutdown due to it being broken.

I’m not talking about a temporary pier built on the North Carolina coast while a rather mild Cat-1 hurricane was brewing out at sea.

I’m not even talking about a temporary bridge across some swollen river deep in America’s heartland.

I’m talking about a temporary dock on the very calm waters of the Eastern Mediterranean.

But wait, there’s more.

This white elephant was functional for a mere seven days. To add insult to injury, our own government didn’t even bother telling us about this whole mess.

As reported by;

The temporary pier built off the coast of Gaza by the US military to transport aid into the war-torn region has broken apart, satellite images have revealed.

The pier cost $320m and its usage started on 17 May but heavy seas forced a stoppage just a week later. The pier broke apart two days later.

But wait, there’s more.

As seen in the below video from, part of this cluster-fuck has floated out to sea; yet another section has flat-out sunk to the bottom of the Med.

I’m sure Xi Jinping is shitting himself.