When You’ve Lost Taylor Swift – Report; Dem Bosses, Oprah, Swift In On Power Move to Dump Joe

Unfortunately, there are still people in this nation who are susceptible to the political whims of Hollywood celebs.

The foaming-at-the-mouth rants and raves from the likes of Robert DeNiro and Kathy Griffin honestly don’t affect me either way. I don’t care what they say. They’re just not that important to me.

I may upset some of my fellow conservatives, but I really don’t care of the political stances of Lee Greenwood or Jim Caviezel.

Just me, but how dare any actor, singer, athlete… whatever, think that their political opinion is somehow more enlightened than the rest of us.

Anyhow, I have to rely on a foreign news service to find out the behind-the-scenes machinations of the Democrat Party in my own nation.

As reported by Melissa Koening of London’s the Daily Mail (emphasis mine);

A pair of well-connected Democrats have issued a bombshell memo detailing their wild plan to replace President Joe Biden on their 2024 ticket.

It would require Biden to step down as the head of the ticket by mid-July to pave the way for other Democrats to throw their hats in the ring for a ‘blitz primary’ that would feature celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Oprah, according to Semafor.

The six candidates with the most votes from delegates would also have to vow to run a positive-only campaign.

The plan is the brainchild of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the 2020 Biden campaign, as well as Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist who has donated to a number of Democratic campaigns.

They have already circulated the plan to Democrat donors, as well as officials within the Biden campaign and administration – and say they have widespread support.