(VIDEO) Poland Authorizes ‘Shoot to Kill’ After Soldier Killed by Spear-Throwing Illegal Immigrants

Sgt Mateusz Sitek, 21, of the Polish Army.

Sgt Mateusz Sitek of the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade was recently laid to rest at St. Anne’s Catholic Church in his hometown of Nowy Lubiel, Poland.

The young soldier was killed by rioting wannabe illegal immigrants on the Belarus side of the border. Much like the barbarian culture they want to force upon the people of Poland, Sgt Sitek was killed by a makeshift spear.

As noted by PolandDaily24.com, the fallen soldier’s mother, Emilia Sitek, stated at his eulogy;

“Life is a fleeting breath, yet it is a gift from God. We do not cry, we do not look down. Mateusz would not have wanted that. He had the heart of a soldier. We look up with faith.”

“Mateusz left a legacy for every Pole: to care for an independent and secure homeland. Wait for us, our son. When God decides, we will be together again.”

She called for prayers for the Polish military, underscoring their crucial role in defending the nation. Expressing profound gratitude for the support her family received, Emilia extended special thanks to key military figures and units who stood by them during their darkest hours.

The news site also cites that “President Andrzej Duda, Vice Premier and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and senior military commanders” were also present for the Funeral Mass.

President Duda meritoriously promoted Sitek to Sergeant, and was also awarded Poland’s Cross of Merit for Bravery. Meanwhile, Vice Premier Kosiniak-Kamysz presented the fallen soldier the Gold Medal for Merit to National Defence.

In a move that can only be seen as objectively a common sense call, Poland’s Sejm (Parliament) voted 401-17 in favor of arming Polish troops and Border Guards force with live ammunition and a very giving ROE (Rules of Engagement).

As noted by the extra-leftie Express.co.uk of London, notes the predictably woke drivel (and amazingly tone-deaf by not even mentioning the name of the Polish soldier killed);

Poland migrant clashes intensify as Warsaw passes shoot to kill law after soldier death

Polish MPs have voted overwhelmingly to pass a new law allowing soldiers and border guards to fire live rounds at migrants trying to break into the country from Belarus.

The passing of the legislation comes in the wake of the tragic death of a Polish border guard last week, who was killed by a spear thrown by a migrant from inside Belarusian territory.

The new legislation exempts public officials carrying weapons from liability where they use them in self-defence or “pre-emptively” when the “life, health and freedom” of law enforcement officials are threatened during an “unlawful attack on the inviolability of the state border”.

The new legislation exempts public officials carrying weapons from liability where they use them in self-defence or “pre-emptively” when the “life, health and freedom” of law enforcement officials are threatened during an “unlawful attack on the inviolability of the state border”.

Video images show the Polish troops forming a defensive line behind riot shields, as groups of migrants stand around about twenty metres away.

One of them appears to throw a projectile towards the border guards, who retaliate by throwing a stun grenade.

The Polish soldiers hurl abuse at the migrants, shouting “f*** you, motherf***ers” in English.

Amnesty International has criticised the new legislation, saying it sets a dangerous precedent.

In a strongly worded statement, they said: “Under international law and standards, the use of force against individuals must be strictly necessary and proportionate to the threat posed; the use of firearms is prohibited except in situations where there is an imminent threat of death or serious injury.

“Any attempt by the Polish authorities to undermine these principles would be unlawful.”