(VIDEO) ICYMI; Britain Teetering on Civil War

Irish tricolor and Union Jack flying together for the first time in… well, ever.

If I understand the rules of genealogy correctly, if any given guy from Lichtenstein or Singapore or Ghana or Hindustan or Bolivia or Jamaica should happen to emigrate to Berwick-upon-Tweed, UK, he can’t correctly refer to himself as an Englishman. But he can refer to himself as British.

Again, referring to genealogy, that’s because English is a race, whereas being British is a nationality.

“English” is in your bloodline, “British” is on your passport.

Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. If you’ve even just slightly followed British news for the past few decades, you’ll already be aware that there are two political/cultural factions that have been screaming at each other.

In all fairness, there’s a third faction that’s supposed to be neutral, but I’ll touch on them a few paragraphs down.

Consisting of Group A;

“Run away, run away!”
    • The indigenous working-class English of conservative or independent political leanings.
    • Politically like-minded Liechtensteiner-British, Singaporean-British, Ghanan-British, Hindustani-British, Bolivian-British and Jamaican-British.

All of whom have proudly assimilated to British culture while still retaining many of their own particular Faiths, festivals and holidays.

Then those on Group B;

  • The upper-class indigenous English of far-left political leanings.
  • Pakistani-British, usually leaning towards the more militant side of Islam. Widely have rejected British culture.
  • Millions of illegal aliens. Overwhelmingly from the Middle East or Africa. Widely rejected British culture.

Then we come to The British cops. You know… the ones who are supposed to be fair an objectively enforce the law, right?

As far as that goes, when Group B openly brandish machetes, iron pipes and bricks, the cops do one of two things;

  • Turn away
  • Run away

In the meantime, Group A find themselves being arrested for hurting people’s feelings by posting sarcastic messages on Facebook, or for silently praying on a public sidewalk in front of an abortuary.

Without fail, the leftie government and leftie media blaming the patriotic Brits for being the troublemakers… and of course, have been labeled as “Far-Right thugs”.

Just me, but Group A is having their own Lexington and Concord moment.