(Video) Is America a Melting Pot or a ‘Salad Bowl’ as the Historical Revisionists Claim?

All-American girl.

Recently, I was viewing a video clip of a panel discussion in which one of the members claimed that his “culture” has been destroyed by the mainstream culture all Americans participate in, at least to varying degrees.

The aggrieved party made a point of his “culture” being that of a totally different continent, as well as (according to me, anyhow) a certain way of life that hasn’t been practiced for at least a couple of centuries.

That got me to take a dip deeper into this stream of thought.

The standard Cultural Marxists really do hate the notion that Americans are all products of a cultural melting pot instead believing in the dis-uniting notion of a salad bowl.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba – proud to be Arab by blood, proud to be (Chaldean) Catholic by faith, proud to be American by citizenship.

I may not be a college educated metallurgist, but I’m pretty sure that if you throw varying percentages of a gold bar, copper bar, silver bar, and a tin bar into the forge… you’re going to end-up getting something very different and quite distinct.

However, lettuce is lettuce. Carrots are carrots. Cubed chicken is cubed chicken. Tomatoes are tomatoes.

The same goes with culture. I have a helluva lot more in common with a Latina from San Antonio, a black guy from Pittsburgh, or an East Asian couple from Seattle than I do with someone from Bavaria, Ireland or Spain.

As far as the Latina, the black guy and the Oriental couple are concerned, we all speak American accented English (regional accents not withstanding), we all celebrate the same holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day), we all listen to the same music (R&R, Rap, Pop). For the most part, America is still a Christian nation even though church attendance is at an all-time low.

One last connection I think we all have in common – we all essentially eat the same kinds of food. I join the rest of the nation in proudly proclaiming that I’ll eat the hell outta some fried chicken and watermelon. Enjoying good food doesn’t have a damn thing to do with melanin. And like the vast majority of Americans (and unlike Barack Obama), even suggesting that I’ll ever want a plate of dog, that’s risking a punch in the mouth.

Speaking of food, Americans don’t really eat Mexican food. We eat Tex-Mex. When Northern Mexican tortillas, chilis and beans met-up with German lettuce, cheese and sour cream… the rest is history.

Besides, I don’t think there’s a single Taco Bell that hasĀ Ahuautle on the menu. Just FYI, Ahuautle translates to “fly egg” – (AKA: “Maggot”). But in all fairness, Northern Mexicans find Ahuautle just as repulsive as generic Yanquis do.

Not a true WWII pin-up… but she should have been. Pretty sure most Americans will agree with me.

Anyhow, there’s a damn sight more of American culture that unites us instead of dividing us. With a nation whose population is well over 300 million, that’s says a lot.

As far as the folks of Bavaria, Ireland and Spain are concerned (addressed in order) there are certain cultural norms I want no part of;

  • I’d like to think I’m not sexually deviant enough to wear overalls/shorts made completely of leather. That’s pretty gay.
  • I’ll pass on the black pudding, a curious mixture of oats, onions, lard and heavy on the pig’s blood. People need to stop making fun of the Chinese and the Cajuns for throwing all the leftovers into a pot, then calling is a meal. At least Chinese and Cajun food actually tastes good.
  • I haven’t been chased by a bull since I was 14. But for an entire city to do it once every year? Well… that’s just retarded.

Or should I just bitch that America has somehow “stolen my culture”?

But in all fairness, history is chock-full of nations where multiculturalism was a roaring success;
    • The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    • The former Austro-Hungarian Empire.
    • The former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
    • The former United Arab Republic.
    • The former Ottoman Empire.
    • The former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
    • The former Arab Federation.
    • The former United States of Colombia.
Amazing what happens when everyone rows in the same direction.

Half-European, half-Mexican. One hundred percent American.