So, Where Exactly Are the Famous John Kelly Audio Tapes of Trump Supporting Hitler and Fascism?


If there’s one thing I learned during my Marine Corps career, it’s that you never talk shit about the Old Man. Period. Full stop. End of conversation.

I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what your position in life is, I don’t care what your political stance may be.

Just like those who scream racism or sexism whenever things start going south… keep the shit-talkers are arm’s length, look upon their accusations with a jaundiced eye.

Obviously, I’m not much of a fan of guilt by accusation, especially if said accusation was released two weeks before a presidential election… doubly so if the supposed incident is from five years ago.

Multiply that by infinity if there’s no proof.

That’s right. All those accusations of Trump admiring Hiter and being the very definition of Fascist, there simply is zero proof of such. The only audio recording there is would be Kelly accusing Trump.

Sorry, Kelly. Accusation doesn’t automatically equate to guilt.

Is it any wonder that Dante’s Inferno notes the lowest ring of Hell is reserved for backstabbers.

I have just one question; if this actually happened, why wait five years to warn the nation? This who thing just stinks.