More Widespread Than You Think: When Blacks ‘Misappropriate’ European Culture

There’s an awful lot of ink being spilled over those horrific white folks consistently culturally misappropriating from the culture of Sub-Saharan black Africans. Especially from those originating from Equitorial West Africa.

Those who hang their hats on this particular non-problem are usually white and black Neo-Marxists. Just from where I sit, it’s usually self-loathing white libtards.

Just to set the record straight, I really don’t care if whatever black guy or gal uses or even embraces some physical thing, invention, and/or philosophical notion that has European roots.

With that… on with the show.

With the overwhelming majority of American Jews belonging to the Ashkenazi (European) branch of Judaism which is well over 2,000 years old, I find it curious that Caryn Elaine Johnson has chosen to brand herself as Whoopi Goldberg.

A name like that more deservedly belongs to a long dead comedian who was a big hit a half-century ago in the Catskills.

Cornrows and dreadlocks. Any white kid seen sporting either hairstyle is immediately attacked for stealing from black culture.

However, dreads and cornrows only go back to 2,000 BC on the Horn of Africa. Strangely enough, the Left ignores the Venus of Hohle Fels (fertility goddess) of Germany, which dates back to at least 33,000 BC.

Now we come to learned men such as Julian Francis Abele, Louis Arnett Stuart Bellinger, and Paul Revere Williams, etc. All were giants in their own right in the world of architecture. Interestingly enough, the style of architecture that they specialized in was quite Euro-centric.

It should be noted that before Europeans made extensive contact with black Africans, the largest building in all of the majority black region of the continent was essentially a three-story mud hut (also known as the Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali). Note: The mosque was rebuilt in 1907 by local leader Ismaila Traoré by use of slave labor.

Ever heard of the Kingdom of Oyotunji? Neither have I. Keep in mind that my wife is from the Low Country of South Carolina, as well as me serving half of my Marine Corps career stationed in the Carolinas. But to ensure we’re all on the same sheet of music, Okotunji is officially located at 56 Bryant Ln, Seabrook, SC.

Claiming to be an independent nation based totally on the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria, for whatever inexplicable reason, the kingdom has electricity and indoor plumbing. It should also be noted that if you’d like an official Letter of Invitation to tour the 27 acre pretend country, it’ll only cost you $150.

I’ll end with noting that the overwhelming majority of black Africans as well as those of the African Diaspora wear Euro-centric clothes, use European-invented medical devices (eyeglasses, hearing aids, pacemakers, etc.), live in homes of European cultural design, was educated in a school system of European origin, enjoys the types of entertainment that began in Europe, etc.

At a minimum, those of the African Diaspora that live in America’s legal system of innocent until proven guilty, that’s based upon… you guessed it, European Common Law.

I’d wager none of them would want it any other way.

(VIDEO) What a Maroon: Biden Somehow Manages to Out-Biden Himself

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the history of Ireland knows who the Black and Tans are. Along the same lines, anyone with even a passing knowledge of rugby know who the All Blacks are. Continue reading (VIDEO) What a Maroon: Biden Somehow Manages to Out-Biden Himself

WRONG! Trans-Whatevers Claim ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender’ Are Two Different Things’

ESPN names Bruce/Caitlin Jenner at Woman of the Year.

The woke world absolutely insists that “sex” and “gender” are two totally different things.

Sadly for them, both the words “gender” and “genital” come from the same Latin root word.

For the word “gender,” the definition is from For the word “genitalia,” the definition is found here. For the word “*gene-,” the definition is found here.

gender (n.)

c. 1300, “kind, sort, class, a class or kind of persons or things sharing certain traits,” from Old French gendregenre “kind, species; character; gender” (12c., Modern French genre), from stem of Latin genus (genitive generis) “race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species,” also “(male or female) sex,”

genital (adj.)

late 14c., “pertaining to (sexual) reproduction,” in membres genytal “the genitals,” from Latin genitalis “pertaining to generation or birth; fruitful” (also a by-name of the goddess Diana), from genitus, past participle of gignere “to beget” (from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget”). Hence the English word came to mean “pertaining to the organs of generation.” As a noun meaning “sex organ” from mid-15c. (plural genitals is from late 14c.).


*genə-, also *gen, Proto-Indo-European root meaning “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. 
It forms all or part of: 
Latin gignere “to beget,” gnasci “to be born,” genus (genitive generis) “race, stock, kind; family, birth, descent, origin…”

‘You Just Lied’: The Entire Interview; Elon Musk Destroys BBC’s Leftie ‘Technology’ Reporter

Humiliating the lying Left.

Unfortunately, most Americans are only getting 10-second soundbites of the dissection of the BBC’s so-called “Technology Reporter,” James Clayton.

Laughingly, Clayton was just sliced and diced by Elon Musk. The richest man in the world shows why he’s not a man to be taken lightly. Continue reading ‘You Just Lied’: The Entire Interview; Elon Musk Destroys BBC’s Leftie ‘Technology’ Reporter

Not Your Big Brother’s Marine Corps; Two MoH Winners Warn America that Current Commandant Committing ‘Irreparable Damage’ to Today’s Marine Corps

I’ve written before of the direction Gen. David Berger is taking the US Marine Corps. But perhaps, two Marine officers, both recipients of the Medal of Honor, have said it best.

Under Berger’s alleged leadership, the “Unites States Marines increasingly are irrelevant to the National Command Authority…”

Wow. Pretty strong language, wouldn’t you say? Continue reading Not Your Big Brother’s Marine Corps; Two MoH Winners Warn America that Current Commandant Committing ‘Irreparable Damage’ to Today’s Marine Corps

Primer: They Keep Callins Us ‘Fascists’ and ‘Nazis’, But Do They Even KNOW what Fascists or Nazis Are?

ESPN names Bruce/Caitlin Jenner as Woman of the Year.

Poor Riley Gains. She was actually attacked when she went to SFSU to give a speech advocating that only biological women should compete at NCAA sanctioned sporting events.

Needless to say, she had vile things said to her, had garbage thrown at her. She was even physically assaulted. Continue reading Primer: They Keep Callins Us ‘Fascists’ and ‘Nazis’, But Do They Even KNOW what Fascists or Nazis Are?

(VIDEO) Men Stealing what Women Fought For; Riley Gains Attacked, Assaulted at SFSU

Attacked at SFSU.

Remember back in the 60s and 70s when women fought so hard for Title IX and to ensure it was enforced? For those whose history is a bit on the fuzzy side, Title IX essentially ruled that women’s collegiate sports should also be on par with men’s sports.

But along came the 21st Century. Specifically, the second decade of this particular century.

This is the era of masculine menstruation and feminine ferocity. For whatever bizarre reason, men need tampons, women need to have their perfectly healthy breasts hacked off.

Has a real reason to wear a sports bra and probably doesn’t drink Bud Light.

I swear… if I could ask a couple of questions to those who consider this as “normal,” they would be:

  1. Do you consider delusions to be a sign of mental illness?
  2. If a loved one were ever diagnosed as psychotic, would you trust a psychiatric medical doctor who advised that same loved one that the voices in his head were normal and natural, and that he should do whatever the voices tell him to do?

Anyhow, former NCAA swimmer Riley Gains is defending women involved in women’s sports.

She’s even decided to plead her case in the one place in America where open discourse is always welcome; the world of academia.

No… wait.

Here’s what happened to Gains at San Francisco State University.

(VIDEO) Tony ‘Fortune Cookie’ Fauci; All the Credibility of a Chinese Restuarant Horoscope Placemat

No Fauci Ouchie for me…

Keep the masses in a constant state of fear. That’s pretty much what the highest paid individual ever employed by the federal government.

Coming as a surprise to no one, recently was a featured speaker by the Council on Foreign Relations where he tried to dazzle us mouth breathers by using phrases such as “corporate memory” (meaning that top-down leadership needs to be prepared for… well, anything). Gee, what insight.

While scaring the bejeezus out of everyone predicting “the next pandemic,” The Fauch also screwed the pooch by accidentally showing his hand.

As seen in the video below, he predicts that the next pandemic will hit us sometime between the next 12 to 360 months.

In the meantime, it’s incumbent that the populace be “perpetually prepared.” In other words, in a constant state of fear and ready to surrender our God-given freedoms.

‘National Divorce’? How it Really is Possible for Various States to Seced From the United States

As pretty much everyone is already aware, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for a “national divorce” (see tweet below). She’s hardly the first in recent memory.

Speaking only for myself, it seems that every couple of years we hear of various groups and organizations that call upon their particular state and/or regional area be granted independence from the United States.

Strictly speaking, there simply was no law against any given state or states seceding from the United States until the Supreme Court ruling Texas v. White of 1869, four years after the War Between the States (or as my very Southern wife calls it, “The War of Northern Aggression.” If in a seriously anti-Federalist mood, “The War When the North Invaded America.”

Anyhow, White v. Texas essentially ruled that when you join the United States, that’s it. End of story. Finito.

However, the SCOTUS managed to tip-toe though this legal minefield by very left-handedly leaving secession viable, just don’t call it secession.

That’s called an Amendment to the US Constitution. A state or states can be kicked-out of the United States.

According to the National Archives, here’s what’s needed for an Amendment of Secession;

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Then we come to the question, what if, say… all three West Coast states and Hawaii actually manage to separate themselves from the US? Literally dozens of DoD and Coast Guard bases are in those states. Roughly one-fourth of all five branches of the Armed Forces are in these states.

The remaining USA simply isn’t going to base all of our Pacific Forces in Alaska or the US territories of Guam, the CMNI, and American Samoa. That just ain’t gonna happen.

Perhaps certain counties want to part of seceding/being booted. Could you imagine if San Diego, Riverside and San Bernadino counties want to remain in the United States?

But that’s a whole different can of worms.

Personally, I’m a big fan of Matthew 18:9. So, if the Marxists in Sacramento offend thee, pluck them out.

(VIDEO) US Media Yawns: Don’t Pay Any Attention to This; Focus Instead on Trump’s Indictment

Does anyone remember Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell”? You know, the one with the First Son smoking crack, cavorting with underage hookers, and that whole “Ten percent for the Big Guy” notation?

Even though leftists are wetting themselves with girlish giggles, Alvin Bragg’s last gasp attempt to nail Trump will undoubtedly go the way of the Steele Dossier, the Meuller investigation, and finally, Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked Jan 6 dog and pony show. Continue reading (VIDEO) US Media Yawns: Don’t Pay Any Attention to This; Focus Instead on Trump’s Indictment