‘Defund the Police’ LA Councilman: Democrat Socialist ‘Furious’, Throws Deputy Staffer Under the Bus

Local activist. Anything like a community organizer?

Here’s my question… how in the world did a Democratic Socialist end up with a Lexus?

Life as a trade union activist muse be pretty lucrative. Continue reading ‘Defund the Police’ LA Councilman: Democrat Socialist ‘Furious’, Throws Deputy Staffer Under the Bus

(VIDEO) Pro-Life Hats; Catholic Kids Kicked Out of Smithsonian Institute

Freedom of Religion and Speech under fire. The offending hat that got a group kicked out of a federally (taxpayer) funded museum.

By now, the word is out that employees of the Smithsonian Institution berated, cussed at, then eventually kicked-out both students and adult chaperones from Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) Upper School from Greenville, SC.

It was after last month’s pro-life march in DC had concluded that the part of the contingent from Upstate South Carolina would visit the Smithsonian’s famed Air and Space Museum before all would meetup for dinner later in the evening. Continue reading (VIDEO) Pro-Life Hats; Catholic Kids Kicked Out of Smithsonian Institute

(VIDEO) Busting the Myth of ‘The Poor Teacher’: Try the Starting Pay of a US Marine

Cash in while you can, sweetie. Not long until she starts tipping the scales north of the 250 range.

I’ve read it, you’ve read it, we’ve all read it. Story after story of the Oh-woe-is-me of the now ex-teachers who were fired after choosing to sell their naked images to porn sites.

Without fail, these gals all blamed the main reason for turning to pornography is supposedly due to the pay (or lack thereof) in the teaching profession.

That got me thinking; financially, just how bad off are teachers? Continue reading (VIDEO) Busting the Myth of ‘The Poor Teacher’: Try the Starting Pay of a US Marine

Vladimir Approved; DIRECTV, Newsmax, OAN and Russia Today

Russia Today and Czar Vladimir.

By now everyone is already aware that last year, DIRECTV cancelled their carrying One America News. Again, by now everyone is already aware that DIRECTV has scratched Newsmax from their lineup. Continue reading Vladimir Approved; DIRECTV, Newsmax, OAN and Russia Today

Screamingly Leftist New York City Unveils ‘Satanic Golden Medusa Demon’ Statue

Going back a few years, an already unveiled statue of the Prince of this World.

For whatever strange reason, none of this story shocks me. An unpleasant surprise, without a doubt. But like I said, nothing shocking.

If anything, this just re-enforces my opinion that modern Western civilization is swirling the bowl. Continue reading Screamingly Leftist New York City Unveils ‘Satanic Golden Medusa Demon’ Statue

(VIDEO) RINO Florida Rep Claims she ‘Represents’ Millions and Millions of Illegal Aliens

I’m fairly sure that Rep. MarĂ­a Salazar fools an awful lot of people as to what her real age is.

Possibly through the magic of liposuction, a professional makeup artist on staff along with a photographer that works magic with filters… or maybe she’s just a big-time winner in the genetic lottery. Either way, Salazar may be 61, but she can easily be mistaken for someone half her age. Continue reading (VIDEO) RINO Florida Rep Claims she ‘Represents’ Millions and Millions of Illegal Aliens

(VIDEO) Trump Slams ‘Pink Haired Communists Teaching Our Kids’; Four Common Sense Moves to Fix Public Education

Yes, this thing WAS a kindergarten teacher. (https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/28/teacher-loses-job-because-his-tattoos-and-black-eyes-scare-children-13339638/)

The President Trump of 2016 is back… and with a righteous vengeance.

In a press release and accompanying video (seen below) released on Friday, Jan. 27, President Trump lists four, realistic and common-sense proposals for saving the American public school system. Continue reading (VIDEO) Trump Slams ‘Pink Haired Communists Teaching Our Kids’; Four Common Sense Moves to Fix Public Education

Killer Kamala Conveniently Forgets to Mention ‘Creator’ and ‘Life’ When Quoting Declaration of Independence

“Anything” is no exaggeration.

Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. Nonetheless, I have to ask if Kamala Harris really does believe that the American people are really this stupid? Obviously, she does. Continue reading Killer Kamala Conveniently Forgets to Mention ‘Creator’ and ‘Life’ When Quoting Declaration of Independence

Biden’s Marine Corps; Welcome to the Age of Video Game Marines

I don’t know which branch of the military these nerds are in, but I don’t trust any “Warfighter” with a moon-tan and the muscular definition of the Pilsbury Dough-Boy.

A couple of old Marine Corps sayings I’d like to share with you;

  • “The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.”
  • “You don’t have to practice to be miserable.”

Granted, the first adage is popular of the amongst the ‘Pain is Good‘ crowd, of which (at least) use to be quite few Marines, myself included.

The second quote was known to be uttered by most terminal Lance Corporals at the end of one of those nasty long-distance speed marches (AKA: “Humps“). But in all fairness, most Marines aren’t happy unless they’re bitching.

One thing I will add on as a postscript to the latter quip; “You don’t have to practice to be miserable, but you do have to practice to endure misery. Continue reading Biden’s Marine Corps; Welcome to the Age of Video Game Marines