Move Over ‘1984’, Get Out of the Way ‘Brave New World’, Step Back ‘Lord of the Flies’ – Welcome to ‘The Joke’

Barbed wire. How appropriate.

There’s something about authors from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s that scream out to us here in the middle of 2022. Continue reading Move Over ‘1984’, Get Out of the Way ‘Brave New World’, Step Back ‘Lord of the Flies’ – Welcome to ‘The Joke’

Systemic Cowardice; Uvalde Cop Ordered Not to Rescue Wounded Wife, Weapon Confiscated; NY Cops No Longer Solo Patrol, Getting Beaten Up

Officer Ruben Ruiz with his wife, Eva Mireles and their daughter, Adalyn Ruiz.

There was a time in America when every beat cop nation-wide was considered a hero. For the overwhelming majority of state and local cops, most of us still unreservedly back the blue. Continue reading Systemic Cowardice; Uvalde Cop Ordered Not to Rescue Wounded Wife, Weapon Confiscated; NY Cops No Longer Solo Patrol, Getting Beaten Up

(VIDEO) Defund the Police; HARD CORE Leftist NYC Politician Moves Out of Harlem Due to ‘Safety Issues’

There’s liberal… there’s progressive… there’s leftist… then there’s full-blown American-hating Marxist. Continue reading (VIDEO) Defund the Police; HARD CORE Leftist NYC Politician Moves Out of Harlem Due to ‘Safety Issues’

(VIDEO) WTF, Over? Biden Openly States, ‘We’re in the Process of Making Up my Mind’

WTF, indeed (Why The Face).

When not distracted with shaking hands with thin-air or even that odd moment caught falling up a flight of stairs, Joe Biden’s gaffes are just… well, stunning. Continue reading (VIDEO) WTF, Over? Biden Openly States, ‘We’re in the Process of Making Up my Mind’

(VIDE) Militant Pro-Abortion Terrorists ‘Jane’s Revenge’ Declares ‘Open Season’ on Pro-Lifers

Scary times we live in, huh? I almost half-expect to wake up any given morning to see that some crazed militant has opened fire on a group of senators and congressmen.

Maybe even that some other whack job has driven all away across country to assassinate a member of the Supreme Court. Continue reading (VIDE) Militant Pro-Abortion Terrorists ‘Jane’s Revenge’ Declares ‘Open Season’ on Pro-Lifers

(VIDEO) Going Zero MPH, Biden Manages to Fall Off His Bicycle, Makes Bee Line to a Small Girl

Could someone bubble wrap this jackass?

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, people just fall off their bike. Continue reading (VIDEO) Going Zero MPH, Biden Manages to Fall Off His Bicycle, Makes Bee Line to a Small Girl

‘Squad’ Member Plays the Fear AND Race Cards; If GOP Takes House ‘Far Right, White Nationalists’ will Start Civil War

Members of the Young Black Leaders Summit welcome President Trump.
Coming as a shock to no one, one of the infamous, hyper-Marxist “Squad” is pulling out all the stops to scare the bejeezus out of the electorate before this November’s off-year elections. Continue reading ‘Squad’ Member Plays the Fear AND Race Cards; If GOP Takes House ‘Far Right, White Nationalists’ will Start Civil War

Tax Dollars at Work: CDC Issues Sex Guide for Monkeypox Infected

Less than two weeks ago, I posted sources from both the American CDC (Center for Disease Control) and Britain’s UKHSA (UK Health Security Agency) noting that the latest panic-of-the-week, monkeypox, is overwhelmingly a sickness that’s contracted by practicing homosexuals. Continue reading Tax Dollars at Work: CDC Issues Sex Guide for Monkeypox Infected

‘WORN DOWN’; Kids Hit w/ Up To SEVEN Different Viruses at Once Due to Weakened Immune Systems, COVID Lockdowns and Masks Blamed

An awful lot of people in the know have been warning for the past two years that the combinations of school closings, social isolations (lockdowns) and constantly wearing facemasks would result in weakened immune systems… well, looks like they’re right. Continue reading ‘WORN DOWN’; Kids Hit w/ Up To SEVEN Different Viruses at Once Due to Weakened Immune Systems, COVID Lockdowns and Masks Blamed