New York City Swirling the Bowl; Who Ordered the $115 Steak?

“Go ahead, bite the Big Apple. Don’t mind the maggots.” – Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.
Slow Joe Biden has been making noise recently about how Americans are making higher wages as of late. Continue reading New York City Swirling the Bowl; Who Ordered the $115 Steak?

Horrific Video; Mom and Infants Ran-Down, Los Angeles DA Gascon Give Five Month Sentence

The George Soros-financially supported District Attorney of Los Angeles County, George Gascon, has ensured that the hit-and-run driver who ran-down a mother and her 8-month-old baby on Aug. 6, 2021, will spend a mere five months in a juvenile camp.
Below are two videos; the first is an LA news report of the sentencing as well as the outrage voiced by the victim. Amazingly, the infant was unhurt while mom suffered just a cut to the elbow.
The second is from last summer when the crime itself was committed.
On a personal note, it was satisfying to see random neighbors of the victims surround the now felon to keep him from escaping until law enforcement arrived on-scene.

Truly Terrifying: Complete List of Equipment that Justice Kavanaugh’s Would-Be Assassin Brought With Him

Nicholas John Roske.

Oh, the irony… he wanted to be a martyr for the pro-abortion mob.

He may appear to be a baby-faced, jug-eared kid from a presumably comfortable upper-middle class home in Simi Valley, California.

But as the old adage goes; looks can be deceiving. Continue reading Truly Terrifying: Complete List of Equipment that Justice Kavanaugh’s Would-Be Assassin Brought With Him

(VIDEO) Jim Jordan’s Bombshell; FBI ‘Purging’ Conservative Agents and Support Employees

Coming as a shock to not a single conservative, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is publicly stating that the FBI is knowingly and willingly forcing out agents who happen to be politically conservatives. Continue reading (VIDEO) Jim Jordan’s Bombshell; FBI ‘Purging’ Conservative Agents and Support Employees

Would-Be Assassin Arrested; ‘Wanted to Kill’ Justice Kavanaugh

For whatever bizarre reason, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies are STILL ignoring 18 U.S. Code § 1507, which clearly states (emphasis mine);

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Thusly proving that the mobs outside the home of Justice Kavanaugh are attempting to intimidate him are breaking the law, that doesn’t seem to matter to cops of Montgomery County, the state of Maryland, or the US Marshals.

Personally, I’m still somewhat shocked that even though the SCOTUS has their own police force who’re also tasked with personal protection, none of them have been ordered to protect Justice Kavanaugh.

With cops actually enforcing the law aside for the moment, the New York Post is reporting (emphasis mine);


An armed California man incensed about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v. Wade was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home Wednesday, officials and a report said.

The man, who was not identified, allegedly told police officers he wanted to kill Kavanaugh, the Washington Post reported.

In a statement, the Supreme Court said the man was armed and “made threats against Justice Kavanaugh.”

The suspect was taken to a local police station after he was arrested at about 1:50 a.m., the Court spokesperson said. He was carrying an unspecified weapon and burglary tools, according to the Post.

However, Fox News is reporting that the wannabe killer was actually armed with two weapons;

An armed man was arrested near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Wednesday morning, law enforcement sources confirmed to Fox News.

The suspect was carrying a gun and a knife when arrested and had made violent threats against Kavanaugh, sources said.

Another Case of Arkancide? Ex-Clinton Advisor who Connected Bill to Jeffry Epstein Found Hanged, Shotgun Blast to the Chest

Gee, what are the chances? Mark Middleton, the connection between Bill Clinton and billionaire and renown sex-slaver Jeffery Epstein, was reportedly found dead, hung on a tree who somehow managed to also sport quite the shotgun blast directly to his chest cavity. Continue reading Another Case of Arkancide? Ex-Clinton Advisor who Connected Bill to Jeffry Epstein Found Hanged, Shotgun Blast to the Chest

(VIDEO) Fact or Fiction; Weapons Manufacturer Unveils ‘AR-Flintlock’

The Seekins Precision 1776 AR-Flintlock.

I just can’t help but wonder how many liberal heads will explode when they catch wind of the Seekins Precision 1776 AR-Flintlock.

Of course, that would only apply if the AR-Flintlock was a real thing. I’ll be upfront and honest, it took me a while to realize that Jordan Michaels of Guns America Digest published this piece on April 1st.

Before I realized the true nature of the article, I had two initial impressions;

  1. If this is real, I love it.

  2. If this is satire, I love it.

With that aside, here’s just some of this truly awesome article (emphasis mine);

Ready for purchase, the AR-Melee Axe.

There’s nothing more American than the AR-15—nothing, that is, except the Seekins Precision 1776 AR-Flintlock.

A mashup of modern technology and the technology that sent the Red Coats packing 245 years ago, the rifle maker designed their new firearm to be the star at your next July 4th bar-be-que and range day.

“Like apple hotdog pie or cowboy baseball, the AR-Flintlock brings together two quintessentially American things in perfect harmony. If you don’t like this, you’re probably a Communist,” a Seekins spokesperson told GunsAmerica in an exclusive interview.

The AR-Flintlock ditches the AR-15’s semi-automatic reciprocating bolt for a good-ol-fashioned flintlock and flash pan that would be the envy of every colonial barracks. In never-before-seen promotional photos obtained by GunsAmerica, Seekins engineers appear to have kept all other features of the AR-15 intact.

“It’s too bad George Washington didn’t have this technology when he was kicking British ass up and down the east coast,” the Seekins spokesperson told us. “The war would have been over in a month. A semi-automatic flint lock? C’mon. King George would have crapped his pants.”

Another real thing, the AR-Chainsaw attachment.

Since it keeps the rail and handguard of the standard AR-15 design, the AR-Flintlock can be outfitted with optics, lasers, and lights that attach to a picatinny rail or M-Lok slots. But for those who want their rifle to be truly authentic, Seekins has developed a lantern holder that can be attached to the rifle’s handguard.

When colonial troops were room-clearing at night, how do you think they could see? Tactical lanterns,” the Seekins spokesperson pointed out. “Most people don’t know this, but they actually affixed specially designed lanterns on the end of their rifles to make sure they were taking down British spies and not Mrs. Washington.”

(VIDEO) A Short History of What Happens When Your Government Disarms You

The killing fields of Cambodia (Kampuchea).

I recently read of an exchange between a pro-Second Amendment advocate and a gun control proponent. Needless to say, neither was going to change the other’s mind anytime soon. Continue reading (VIDEO) A Short History of What Happens When Your Government Disarms You

BORTAC Kills Uvalde Murderer; Now House Dems to INVESTIGATE Same Heroes if They Overstepped ‘Authorities and Responsibilities’

Member of the Border Patrol’s BORTAC Unit.

Never mind that the local cops not only froze, but when they regained their senses, they retreated when a two-bit thug went on a killing spree in the small town of Uvalde, Texas. Continue reading BORTAC Kills Uvalde Murderer; Now House Dems to INVESTIGATE Same Heroes if They Overstepped ‘Authorities and Responsibilities’