Monkeypox; The Next Homosexual Disease?

Without coming out and saying that monkeypox is the next boutique sickness that overwhelmingly is contracted by those who consider the smell of feces to be an aphrodisiac, government officials on both side of the Atlantic are warning just that.

First, we have the CNBC with quite the telling headline;

CDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community

From the specific article, as reported by Spencer Tindall (emphasis mine);

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday alerted gay and bisexual men that monkeypox appears to be spreading in the community globally, warning people to take precautions if they have been in close contact with someone who may have the virus and to be on the lookout for symptoms.

Dr. John Brooks, a CDC official, emphasized that anyone can contract monkeypox through close personal contact regardless of sexual orientation. However, Brooks said many of the people affected globally so far are men who identify as gay or bisexual. Though some groups have greater chance of exposure to monkeypox right now, the risk isn’t limited only to the gay and bisexual community, he cautioned.

“We want to help people make the best informed decisions to protect their health and the health of their community from monkeypox,” Brooks said.

Then we come across another recent news article from reporter Connor Boyd of London’s the Daily Mail (emphasis mine);

Eleven more people in England have been diagnosed with monkeypox, bringing the cumulative number of UK cases to 207.

Announcing the new patients today, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reiterated that most cases have been in gay and bisexual men.

Officials said it was ‘particularly important’ these men are aware of new lesions, rashes or scabs and get in contact with a sexual health clinic.

Scientists are still unsure what is driving the current outbreak, now spotted in two dozen countries, given the virus is normally confined to people returning from Africa.

In a report published last night, the UKHSA revealed the UK’s cluster of cases are linked to gay bars, saunas and dating apps.

More than 60 per cent of domestic infections have been among gay and bisexual men, with more than 86 per cent based in the epicentre London. Only two cases have been women.

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