(VIDEO) If You Thought Sleepy Joe’s Sniffer Videos Were Creepy…

Of course, we’ve all seen the pics of Creepy Joe Biden sniffing women’s hair. Or even worse, him getting all freaky-deaky fondling a pre-pubescent little girl’s nipple.

As cringy and disturbing as the many, many times Biden has been… “inappropriate, shall I say… when within the molestation burst radius of the Fairer Sex, the below video clip rates right up there in the Biden crime family’s Wall of Shame.

Just my take, but here are the two things that screamed out to me;

  1. Why is New York’s Chuck Schumer hovering over Biden like a vulture waiting for flesh to turn to carrion?
  2. Did anyone else notice the look of total confusion and disorientation after Biden signed that bill into law? Might be time to up the dosage for his Adderall, Ritalin and Wellbutrin.

(VIDEO) Standard Libscum Screams of Trump’s ‘Many Provable Criminal Acts’; Can’t Seem to Name a Single One

Jackasses on parade.
Like many other conservatives, I’m of the belief that liberals rely much more on feelings than they do on factual information. Liberals are simply the epitome of emotional knee-jerk reactions. Continue reading (VIDEO) Standard Libscum Screams of Trump’s ‘Many Provable Criminal Acts’; Can’t Seem to Name a Single One

Scotland Appoints First ‘Period Dignity Officer’ — And He’s a Dude

OK, gals… this is what you can expect.
Call him what you may; the Men’s Menstrual Cycling Champion; the HMFIC of PMS; Riders of the Cotton Ponies; the Crimson Surfer, whatever. Continue reading Scotland Appoints First ‘Period Dignity Officer’ — And He’s a Dude

Meme-sters Savage Beef Jerky Jill as she Sports ‘The Ugliest Expensive Dress’ Ever

You make the call…
It’s pretty obvious that Jill Biden desperately wants to be considered the hottest gal to ever inhabit the Executive Mansion. Continue reading Meme-sters Savage Beef Jerky Jill as she Sports ‘The Ugliest Expensive Dress’ Ever

VIDEO – ‘Faith Based Legislation’? Speaker Pelosi Recognizes, Advocates Pagan Earth Worship

Archbishop Carlo Viganò, one of the few members of the hierarchy that faithful Catholics still fully trust.

Leaving little to the imagination, the person who stands in line only behind Kamala Harris to be the President of the United States has made her theological thoughts and opinions VERY well known to the general public. Continue reading VIDEO – ‘Faith Based Legislation’? Speaker Pelosi Recognizes, Advocates Pagan Earth Worship

VIDEO – The IRS Now Bigger than the US Marine Corps; Democrat/IRS Money Laundering in Plain Sight

“We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.”
“From the halls of California, to the shores of Manhattan, we will tax your family’s income, taking ev’ry cent we can…”
If the above ditty sounds like the Marines’ Hymn, you’re right. And why not? After all, the bureaucrats tasked with legal extortion (AKA: “Personal income tax“), now have more manpower than the best light infantry the world has known since the days of the Roman Legions.
By now, everyone is aware that the so-called Inflation Reduction Act has just cleared the House of Representatives. A whopping $700 billion out of thin air. But what has me curious is to the wherefores and the whys of half of this amount is heading to the IRS.
Putting that to the side, I believe that the American people should be aware that with the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS will be a larger entity than the United States Marine Corps.
Don’t believe me? Not a problem. Let’s look at some facts.
As reported by CBS News from just a few short months ago… well before the Inflation Reduction Act (and new 87,000 IRS employees was ever thought of). Emphasis mine;

Since about 82,000 workers were employed at the IRS in fiscal year 2021, an increase of 10,000 employees within two years would represent a significant boost to the agency’s workforce. It could also return the agency to its 2010 level of about 94,000 employees.

Simple math tells us that with the addition of another 87,000 IRS employees to the estimation of 94,000 puts us at a total of 181,000.
Then there’s a rather interesting article from the Center for Strategic & International Studies in regard to U.S. Military Forces in Fiscal Year 2021 (emphasis mine);

The Marine Corps begins a major restructuring to develop capabilities forgreat power conflict after two decades of conducting counterinsurgency ashore. The budget cuts units and personnel to pay for these new capabilities. However, many commentators worry that the restructuring will make the Marine Corps too narrowly focused.

To pay for this, the Marine Corps’ active-duty end strength begins a decline to about 172,000, the level before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

One need not be a rocket surgeon to see that the IRS will have 9,000 more than the entire active-duty Marine Corps.
Speaking of the nearly doubling of the size of the IRS, remember Biden’s promise to NEVER increase the taxes of those pulling in over $400,000? I sure do.
OK, so how many people actually make more than $400K? It must be a rather sizable chunk of the population if the federal government is going to increase the IRS manpower pool by nearly 100 percent, right?
After all, the Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to pull in billions upon billions of dollars in extra revenue.
Back to the question at hand – is one-third of the population making over $400,000? One would think that at least one-fourth of us are making that kind of dough.
Well, not so much. Even according to the liberal-friendly MoneyNing.com cites (emphasis mine);

“These high-income earners are really rare. Consider the fact that most articles listing the highest paying jobs in America don’t even include any professions with median salaries of $400,000. Those individuals making $400,000 per year are in the top one percent…”

If anyone is stupid enough to believe that an IRS that outnumbers the USMC will only go after the very top one percent, then you deserve to have jack-booted thugs raiding your home.
While I’m on the topic of thugs, check out the video below.
I’ll wager that both the Mafia and the Mexican drug cartels are envious of the Democrat Party money laundering scheme.

Did the DoJ Just Lie to Us? Dept. of Justice Backtracks Who Knew What

The picture of the string-pullers is becoming clearer and clearer every day.
I’m not much of a fan of Newsweek. I’ve known for decades that this particular magazine was little more than one of the many reliable lapdogs for the Jackass Party. Continue reading Did the DoJ Just Lie to Us? Dept. of Justice Backtracks Who Knew What

Meet the Obama, Epstein Linked Magistrate Who Signed-Off on the Trump Search Warrant

Perverted sex-slaver and a glorified administrative clerk.
I find it quite interesting that among the 27 judges assigned to the US District of Southern Florida, the DoJ/FBI chose not to seek authorization for the raid on the Trump residence at MAL (Mar-a-Lago) from a single one of any of the same 27 federal judges. Continue reading Meet the Obama, Epstein Linked Magistrate Who Signed-Off on the Trump Search Warrant

Kerik Warns of Deep State Assassination of Pres. Trump; Patel Verifies Seized Docs ALREADY Declassified

We can stop all that silly talk of “America is sliding towards a Third World banana republic.” We’re already there. Continue reading Kerik Warns of Deep State Assassination of Pres. Trump; Patel Verifies Seized Docs ALREADY Declassified

Theft-Proof Darker-Skin Makeup: British Supermarket Under Fire for Racism

Crime on the rise in foggy old Londontowne.
For those not in the know, Tesco is the largest supermarket chain in all of Great Britain. With nearly 3,500 stores nation-wide, that’s not bad for a country roughly the size of North and South Carolina combined. Continue reading Theft-Proof Darker-Skin Makeup: British Supermarket Under Fire for Racism