The 21 Lies and Hoaxes Kamala Harris Got Away With in ABC’s Alleged ‘Debate’

Trump wanted to remind people of his record… Kamala wanted people to forget her record.

Much like Joe Dirt answering if he cleaned-up the public restrooms with scrubbing bubbles, of course he did. After all, those bubbles work hard “So you don’t have tooooo…” Continue reading The 21 Lies and Hoaxes Kamala Harris Got Away With in ABC’s Alleged ‘Debate’

Trump’s Deportation Force Already Exists; It’s Called the Marine Corps

A U.S. Marine, serving as a rifleman with 2nd Ground Sensor Platoon, II Marine Expeditionary Force, emplaces a ground sensor into a concealed position at an undisclosed location in Texas, March 2018. US Marine Corps Photo

Standing order to US Marine guards; “If attacked, shoot and shoot to kill.”

Continue reading Trump’s Deportation Force Already Exists; It’s Called the Marine Corps

(VIDEO) San Diego; Illegals Attempt to Force Their Way on to School Buses Filled with Children

When saying “Solo autobús escolar” isn’t enough…

Being both a military kid and a retired Marine, not only did I do some growing-up in San Diego, I also did a couple of tours at the massive Marine base in San Diego, Camp Pendleton. Continue reading (VIDEO) San Diego; Illegals Attempt to Force Their Way on to School Buses Filled with Children