Category: News
Answer to the ‘No-Fly Zone’ Conundrum; Let the Knights of St. John Do It
Damn few things make sense to the Western mind regarding the two-week old Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Continue reading Answer to the ‘No-Fly Zone’ Conundrum; Let the Knights of St. John Do It
Simple Solutions for Neo-Con Chickenhawks Advocating Committing our Troops to War
First things first; I fully understand that just about everyone involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine has a certain amount of dirt under their fingernails. No one involved in this conflict is squeaky clean. Continue reading Simple Solutions for Neo-Con Chickenhawks Advocating Committing our Troops to War
(VIDEO) Not the Babylon Bee: Virtue Signaling Fashion Designers Go Full Zoolander, Ukrainian Refugee Chíc
Remember the 2001 Ben Stiller comedy “Zoolander“? If ever there was a movie that shoved its thumb directly into the eye-socket of the fashion industry, this was it. Continue reading (VIDEO) Not the Babylon Bee: Virtue Signaling Fashion Designers Go Full Zoolander, Ukrainian Refugee Chíc
Report: Putin Recruiting Syrian Mercenaries with ‘Skill in Urban Combat’
Anything short of putting out a press release verifying that 2+2=4, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of the Biden Administration. Ever.
But in all fairness, I trust the Putin government about as far as I could throw them.
Continue reading Report: Putin Recruiting Syrian Mercenaries with ‘Skill in Urban Combat’
When Celebrities Go Bad; Patricia Arquette Defiant After Demanding Russia be Kicked Out of NATO
It’s happened, yet again. Another bubble-headed bleach-blonde with more boobs than brains has weighed in on international geo-politics. Continue reading When Celebrities Go Bad; Patricia Arquette Defiant After Demanding Russia be Kicked Out of NATO
(VIDEO) Ukrainian ‘Transgendered’ Dude Denied Permission to Flee, Must Stay and Fight
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *choke cough* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *gag snort* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *wheeze chortle* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *hack gasp*. Continue reading (VIDEO) Ukrainian ‘Transgendered’ Dude Denied Permission to Flee, Must Stay and Fight
ICYMI: Beau Biden Protected Scumbag Who RAPED His Own Three-Year-Old Daughter
#FJB #ArrestFauci #LetsGoBrandon