Just Like Pres. Trump Spoke of at the Dallas CPAC, the Media’s Ongoing, Slobbering Love Affair with the Demented One

Choco chocolate chip induced brain-freeze…

Yeah, I realize that the video (below) that I’m using is not exactly something new. Yet as President Trump spoke of at this past weekend’s CPAC conference in Dallas, Texas, the treatment Joe Chi Minh is getting from the reliably compliant Establishment Media really is just over-the-top nauseating.
Continue reading Just Like Pres. Trump Spoke of at the Dallas CPAC, the Media’s Ongoing, Slobbering Love Affair with the Demented One

Gruesome Video: Conor McGregor Fractures his Leg in UFC Bout with Dustin Poirier

Not only did President Donald Trump arrive unexpectantly at the Las Vegas T-Mobile Arena for the much anticipated McGregor-Poirier UFC rematch, there were rather loud cheers of “USA!” and “Trump!” reverberating off the walls. Continue reading Gruesome Video: Conor McGregor Fractures his Leg in UFC Bout with Dustin Poirier

(VIDEO) Reuters Report: Taliban Now Assassinating Afghan Pilots

Remember when the Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung was asked if he trusted the Taliban? For those who may not have, I’ve posted the video at the end of this article. Continue reading (VIDEO) Reuters Report: Taliban Now Assassinating Afghan Pilots

(VIDEO) American Combat Troops Requested for Deployment to Haiti

Swine feces and urine, human feces and urine, rotting garbage, all in the drinking water. Welcome to Haiti!

Many American cities look like Haiti…

While the Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung continues to federally subsidize laziness and erase any semblance of manliness to the US armed forces, this just may be a combat mission right up the globalist to-do list. Continue reading (VIDEO) American Combat Troops Requested for Deployment to Haiti

Chinese Military Aggression: Japan Openly Discusses Combat Troop Deployment to Taiwan

The Japanese dragon over the East China Sea.

Despite it overtly pacifist Constitution, the Japanese are nobody’s fool. If threatened, America’s main ally in East Asia will certainly hit back… and hard. Continue reading Chinese Military Aggression: Japan Openly Discusses Combat Troop Deployment to Taiwan

(VIDEO) Multi-Multi-Millionaire Spike Lee Complains to the French, Black People Still ‘Hunted Down Like Animals’

Interesting jacket. From the collection of O’Hara and Burnett.

Poor Sheldon “Spike” Lee. My heart really does go out to this poor guy. After all, not a day goes by that he isn’t hunted down in his own country simply because he’s black. At least that’s what he told the international press at the Cannes Film Festival in France. Continue reading (VIDEO) Multi-Multi-Millionaire Spike Lee Complains to the French, Black People Still ‘Hunted Down Like Animals’

Don’t Pretend to be Surprised: White House Stooge Psaki Signals ‘Vaccine Police’ Coming to Your Neighborhood

Coming to a porch near you.

The slobbering love affair between the Chinese Resident Chou Bia-Dung and the Chinese Communist Party is becoming more and more apparent every day. No, glaringly obvious are the words I’ve been searching for.
Continue reading Don’t Pretend to be Surprised: White House Stooge Psaki Signals ‘Vaccine Police’ Coming to Your Neighborhood

(VIDEO) Michigan: Whopping 34 People Turn Out for Sleepy Joe; Mumbles and Fumbles when Asked More than One Question

Wait a sec… you mean to tell us this guy received 81 million votes?

Who you gonna believe… the Establishment Media and the Lefticrats illegibly occupying the Oval Office or your lying eyes? Continue reading (VIDEO) Michigan: Whopping 34 People Turn Out for Sleepy Joe; Mumbles and Fumbles when Asked More than One Question

Woke Military: US will ‘Likely’ Abandon WTC 9/11 Monument in Afghanistan

9/11 monument abandoned in Afghanistan.

If the people of Breezy Point can drop $5,000 to send this memorial to Afghanistan, the government can’t spend $5,000 to bring it back?

In the days, weeks, months, even years after the terrorists attack on Sept. 11, 2001, the watch words on every American’s lips were “never forget.” Continue reading Woke Military: US will ‘Likely’ Abandon WTC 9/11 Monument in Afghanistan

Lefticrat Media Silent: Muslim Man in Boston Reportedly Slashes Rabbi at Jewish Day School

Pixilated for your protection.

Father of 12; born in Russia; emigrated to Israel; hacked-up in the United States. Life has certainly been, well… interesting for Rabbi Shlomo Noginsky.

Continue reading Lefticrat Media Silent: Muslim Man in Boston Reportedly Slashes Rabbi at Jewish Day School