As British Army Begs, US Army Slashes Troops to be ‘Better Equipped to Fight Future Wars’

Not the Baylon Bee. Actual British Army recruiting posters. Is the US far behind?

As the old saying goes, “Don’t shit on my shoes, then call it a spit-shine.”

Since the says of America’s War of Independence, the American army’s pool of manpower has always been young, white, Christian males. Continue reading As British Army Begs, US Army Slashes Troops to be ‘Better Equipped to Fight Future Wars’

(VIDEO) British Patriot Sounds-Off on UK Military Being ‘Diverse’ Enough

When you’re carrying more pizzas than you have stripes, there’s a problem.

Now that I’ve cancelled both cable and satellite TV, not only am I saving quite a bit of money, but if there is any given news organization I want to watch, I don’t have corporate media pointing me in their direction. Continue reading (VIDEO) British Patriot Sounds-Off on UK Military Being ‘Diverse’ Enough

Gallup: Confidence in US Military at 26-Year Low; Nosedives Under Biden

Future US Army officers at West Point… black power, baby.

It was in the mid-70s when I attended Boot Camp at MCRDSD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego). I distinctly remember more than a few members of my platoon were some rather nasty vatos from East LA. Continue reading Gallup: Confidence in US Military at 26-Year Low; Nosedives Under Biden

US Armed Forces: Too Many Generals and Admirals? It’s Worse Than You’d Think

Must be something in the New Jersey water…

Being a bit of an armchair military history buff, I couldn’t help but notice that every time I watch TV, there’s a new and different general or admiral being interviewed. Continue reading US Armed Forces: Too Many Generals and Admirals? It’s Worse Than You’d Think

It’s Time to Bring Back the Draft; but this Time, Make It Fair and Equitable Across the Board

US Marines during the Korean War.

Back in the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s, even until the early ’70s, the steel mill foreman had something in common with the new hire; the truck driver had something in common with the owner of the gas station; the plumbing contractor had something in common with his neighbor, the insurance agent. Continue reading It’s Time to Bring Back the Draft; but this Time, Make It Fair and Equitable Across the Board

(VIDEO) What the Next Queen of Spain Will Do that Most American Young Men Can’t or Won’t Do

Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias.

A mere 17-years-old, suffice it to say that the next Queen of Spain has, is, and will have quite the fascinating life.

Formally known as Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias, her baptismal name is Leonor de Todos los Santos (Elanor of All the Saints), her family name is Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz, but in everyday life, she’s just Princess Leonor. Continue reading (VIDEO) What the Next Queen of Spain Will Do that Most American Young Men Can’t or Won’t Do

(VIDEO) Semper Something ‘er Other: Space Force Unveils Their Official Jingle

In space, no one can hear you sing.
What do you do with a branch of the armed forces that doesn’t know the pointy end of the bullet goes in first?
Actually, there’re two answers:

Continue reading (VIDEO) Semper Something ‘er Other: Space Force Unveils Their Official Jingle

Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024

Quite the interesting article from reporter Terresa Monroe-Hamilton of the conservative leaning news site. Continue reading Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024

How to Unite America; Bring Back National Service FOR EVERYONE, But This Time Ensure There Are REAL Consequences

Back in the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s, even until the early ’70s, the steel mill foreman had something in common with the new hire; the trucker had something in common with the owner of the gas station; the plumbing contractor had something in common with his neighbor, the insurance agent. Continue reading How to Unite America; Bring Back National Service FOR EVERYONE, But This Time Ensure There Are REAL Consequences