“Despite the informal scientific consensus around the safety of immortalized cells, there just aren’t any long-term health studies to prove it.”
Fassler dances around what exactly immortalized cells are for a few paragraphs, then tip-toes ever so gingerly telling us exactly what they are;
That’s where immortalized cells come in. They’ve been used in medical research since the early 1950s, when the first and most famous immortal cell line—derived from the cervical cancer cells of a woman named Henrietta Lacks—was successfully grown in a lab. Lacks is widely viewed as a victim of failed medical ethics and systemic racism; her cells, which have gone on to generate billions of dollars in economic value, were taken without her knowledge or permission.
Blah, blah, blah… yadda, yadda, yadda. Then Fassler conveniently blows through telling us everything;
They’ve also saved lives. The so-called HeLa line of cells first enabled researchers to continue study without fresh samples from living humans or animals, leading to breakthrough discoveries in oncological and immunological science. Today, AstraZeneca Plc and J&J’s Covid-19 vaccines are grown using immortalized human kidney and retinal cells, respectively. The process is a lot like making cultured meat. Immortal cells are grown in a big steel drum called a bioreactor, ultimately generating thousands of pounds of cell mass.
But wait. Did Fassler say if the immortalized human kidney and retinal cells were cancerous or not?
Joe, what exactly were the starter cells used in that “big steel drum called a bioreactor”? He certainly has implied that the only “immortalized cells” are cancer cells.
This is where it starts to give you the heebie-jeebies;
“The leading startups, for their part, are pressing ahead, nodding to their potential vulnerability with the occasional creepy waiver. At Upside’s facility in Emeryville, California, where the company spends weeks at a time growing poultry cells in drums, investors and pesky reporters tasting a cooked version of the final product have been asked to first acknowledge the lack of long-term health data. “The cultured meat and related food products in the Tasting are experimental,” the company’s waiver reads. “The properties are not completely known.”
Now it really gets uber-heebie-jeebie;
“And yet “cancer” is a terrifying word. How can the makers of cultured meat prove to regulators and skeptics that there’s nothing to worry about? “The best way is to give it to people and then ask them 20 years later or 30 years later, ‘Has any of you gotten cancer at a higher-than-normal rate?’ ” says Robert Weinberg [of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. “But that’s not a practical experiment.”
Folks, just as soon as the Biden Administration and the AP gave this their official seal of approval, the “practical experiment” just began.
“Go forth and sin some more” – Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
I’m not a medical professional, but I do have the capability to read and I’d like to think I have at least average reading comprehension.
Pretty much along the same lines that smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer (among others), that’s a medical fact that few will deny or need to see the studies to be convinced.
Just like studies a-plenty showing that men who’ve had vasectomies have a higher rate of aggressive prostate cancer, or that women who take birth-control pills have a higher rate of cervical and/or breast cancer.
I guess the point I’m getting at is this – Mother Nature doesn’t like it when someone tries to fool her.
With this so-called “transition surgery” a relatively new phenomenon (at least the amount of those surgeries) among minor children, I personally have a bad feeling regarding eventual cancers.
Just me, but I can’t see any benefit to a minor girl getting her breasts and reproductive organs hacked-out, or a young boy being chemically castrated.
In my purely non-medical opinion, whenever mankind tries to change nature, nature has a way of erasing the threat.
Nonetheless, Western culture is trying their best to normalize a particular practice that flies in the face of basic biology.
I’ll come right out and say it; if you think that some guy sloshing his penis around in another guy’s feces-filled colon is normal, then obviously, I’m not the one having trouble understanding the meaning of the word normal.
Face it, the sexual instinct for every living being on the planet is for propagation of the species.
From where I stand, those fellow homo-sapiens who partake in any sexual practice outside of keeping the species chuggin’ along, they simply worship their orgasm.
I recall reading some university (government?) study from about a year ago (sorry I can’t cite it, but it sounded reasonable enough to me), that for the average heterosexual aged 50 and below, the average number of sexual encounters was somewhere between a dozen to 15 during their lifetime. For homosexuals, it was in the hundreds. You can believe me or disregard this. That’s up to you.
All that aside, the LA Dodgers have bent their knees, not once, but twice, to the same San Francisco-based group that not only advocates a blatantly anti-science sexual agenda, but also mocks and insults a few billion Christians at every turn.
Not only the Dodgers, but also Target, Bud Light, Miller Lite, etc., they’re all active participants in going against science, but also in the destruction of what was a once great culture.
In the meantime, let’s all belt out an updated version of Take Me Out To The Ballgame;
Chemical disaster in the heartland. Officials claim air and water is safe for the people of East Palestine, Ohio.
While the Establishment Media yawns, well over one million pounds of cancer-causing chemicals have been released into the environment within the confines of the small town of East Palestine, on the Ohio side of the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line.