(VIDEO) A ‘Catholic Waco’ on the Horizon? FBI Surveilling ‘Radical’ Latin Mass Catholics

This is my Rosary. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Most of you remember back in 1995 when federal agents (ATF and FBI) attacked the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. An off-shoot of the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Branch Davidians were led by their faux-messianic leader, David Koresh. Continue reading (VIDEO) A ‘Catholic Waco’ on the Horizon? FBI Surveilling ‘Radical’ Latin Mass Catholics

(VIDEO) Principal Admits to Purposefully NOT Hiring Catholics and Conservatives

Answer: “You don’t hire them.”
Liberal Northerners have the audacity to slander the South by accusing every white Southerner as being at least very secretive supporters of the KKK. Continue reading (VIDEO) Principal Admits to Purposefully NOT Hiring Catholics and Conservatives