Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

The GOP had the votes to HAMMER Schiff, but…

We all remember Adam Schiff literally lying to the American people in regard to him having evidence against President Trump in the proven-fake Russian Collussion scandal.

It took a newly elected member of the House of Representatives to figuratively have the ‘nads to actually do something about it. Continue reading Roll Call By Name Votes: RINOs Keep Adam Schiff in Office

(VIDEO) So THIS is the Cartoon That AOC, Lefticrats are Whining About?

#FJB #FAOC #LetsGoBrandon #ArrestFauci

Snowflake-ism on steroids…

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (R-AZ) is facing censure in the form of REMOVAL from every single committee and sub-committee he’s assigned to. BTW, that’s the same crap they pulled on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). Continue reading (VIDEO) So THIS is the Cartoon That AOC, Lefticrats are Whining About?