It took me two days of me scouring the deepest, darkest recesses of the internet to find it, but I finally did. Continue reading More Deep State Hypocrisy: Fake Jews and Flipping the First
Tag: Fake
(VIDEO) Biden Bemoans the Plight of ‘Innocent Palestinians’ – Forgets of Team Biden’s Drone Strike Against Aid Worker, Seven Children
This is rich… especially coming from this numbskull. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden Bemoans the Plight of ‘Innocent Palestinians’ – Forgets of Team Biden’s Drone Strike Against Aid Worker, Seven Children
(VIDEO) Give Thanks to Bud Light for PROVING Dylan Wutzzizname is Really a Dude

Going against the narrative, not only am I going to refer to Dylan Mulvaney as he/him, I’m also going to THANK Bud Light for exposing Mulvaney for the fraud he truly is. Continue reading (VIDEO) Give Thanks to Bud Light for PROVING Dylan Wutzzizname is Really a Dude
(VIDEO) Wannabe Prison Thug Campaigns for US Senate w/ Cop Hater at Pro-Abortion Rally

Try as he may, Pennsylvania’s Lt. Gov. is no ex-con. But he does try to sell that look for every sympathy vote he can get.
From the cold gray or institutional green shirts, to the shaven dome, to the al-Qaeda-esque goatee sans ‘stash, to the ink that’s never seen the inside of a correctional facility. Continue reading (VIDEO) Wannabe Prison Thug Campaigns for US Senate w/ Cop Hater at Pro-Abortion Rally
(VIDEO) Phony-Baloney Biden Angry Over Cost of Insulin, Even Though He’s the One Responsible

And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to Joe Biden for his performance in TDS: The Movie. Continue reading (VIDEO) Phony-Baloney Biden Angry Over Cost of Insulin, Even Though He’s the One Responsible
(VIDEO) ‘Aren’t you that Empire F*ggot N—-r?’; Juicy Smullié Trial Goes Sideways
Yeah, I know his name is actually Jussie Smollett, but Dave Chapelle’s version is so much funnier. Continue reading (VIDEO) ‘Aren’t you that Empire F*ggot N—-r?’; Juicy Smullié Trial Goes Sideways
(VIDEO) The National Security Threat That Doesn’t Exist: Biden’s Bogeyman of ‘White Supremacy’

Popular culture tells us that the Nazi Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels is the one credited with coining the phrase, “If you tell the Big Lie long enough and loud enough, people will eventually believe it to be the truth.” Or at least words to the effect.
With that said, according to Chou Bia-Dung, ‘The most lethal threat to the homeland… are white supremacists.” Continue reading (VIDEO) The National Security Threat That Doesn’t Exist: Biden’s Bogeyman of ‘White Supremacy’