Whistleblowers Accuse FBI, DoJ of Covering for Hunter Biden, ‘Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core’

Some of us have known this for decades, but now Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has gone mainstream in his calling out both the FBI and the Dept. of Justice for their decades worth of corruption. Continue reading Whistleblowers Accuse FBI, DoJ of Covering for Hunter Biden, ‘Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core’

Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024

Quite the interesting article from reporter Terresa Monroe-Hamilton of the conservative leaning BizPacReview.com news site. Continue reading Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024

(VIDEO) Jim Jordan’s Bombshell; FBI ‘Purging’ Conservative Agents and Support Employees

Coming as a shock to not a single conservative, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is publicly stating that the FBI is knowingly and willingly forcing out agents who happen to be politically conservatives. Continue reading (VIDEO) Jim Jordan’s Bombshell; FBI ‘Purging’ Conservative Agents and Support Employees

How Bad it ALMOST Got; Initial Draft of NSBA Requested US Military be Deployed to School Board Meetings

“Forward into battle”, my ass. It’s backwards… period.

It seems just like yesterday that the NSBA (National School Board Association) requested of the Biden regime that federal agents start investigating parents who dared openly question woke-ism. Continue reading How Bad it ALMOST Got; Initial Draft of NSBA Requested US Military be Deployed to School Board Meetings

(VIDEO) Hunter Biden’s ‘Lost’ Laptop; Rep. Matt Gaetz EMBARRASSES FBI Cyber Chief

Excuse me while I whip this out…

To say that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) gave just a first-class ass whoopin’ to the Assistant Director (Cyber Division) of the FBI, Bryan Vorndran, would be an understatement of massive proportions. Continue reading (VIDEO) Hunter Biden’s ‘Lost’ Laptop; Rep. Matt Gaetz EMBARRASSES FBI Cyber Chief

(VIDEO) Texas Leads the Way: Rep Mike Johnson FLAMES Biden’s Atty General Garland Regarding Son-in-Law Getting Rich from CRT’s

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), American hero.

The below video from Fox News is simply a thing of beauty. Just watching that worm Merrick Garland squirm was worth the price of admission. Continue reading (VIDEO) Texas Leads the Way: Rep Mike Johnson FLAMES Biden’s Atty General Garland Regarding Son-in-Law Getting Rich from CRT’s