All of a sudden, the Leftist media establishment is discovering that Joe Biden isn’t exactly that ice-cream cone-licking, aviator shades-wearing grandpa figure that they’ve been pushing on us for decades. Continue reading Potty-Mouth Joe: ‘How the f**k don’t you know this?!,’ ‘Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!,’ ‘Get the f**k out of here!’
Tag: fear
(VIDEO) Tony ‘Fortune Cookie’ Fauci; All the Credibility of a Chinese Restuarant Horoscope Placemat
No Fauci Ouchie for me…
Keep the masses in a constant state of fear. That’s pretty much what the highest paid individual ever employed by the federal government.
Coming as a surprise to no one, recently was a featured speaker by the Council on Foreign Relations where he tried to dazzle us mouth breathers by using phrases such as “corporate memory” (meaning that top-down leadership needs to be prepared for… well, anything). Gee, what insight.
While scaring the bejeezus out of everyone predicting “the next pandemic,” The Fauch also screwed the pooch by accidentally showing his hand.
As seen in the video below, he predicts that the next pandemic will hit us sometime between the next 12 to 360 months.
In the meantime, it’s incumbent that the populace be “perpetually prepared.” In other words, in a constant state of fear and ready to surrender our God-given freedoms.
Stunningly Stupid and Selfish: Texas Mom Puts Son in Trunk, Worried She Might Catch COVID
Unbelievable as it seems, Houston-area mother who is also a public-school teacher, locked her 13-year-old son into her car’s trunk because she was afraid that she might catch the Wuhan Virus. Continue reading Stunningly Stupid and Selfish: Texas Mom Puts Son in Trunk, Worried She Might Catch COVID
VIDEO: Here’s the REAL Question; Just How Many of the American People are Actually STUPID Enough to Believe This Panic-Monger?